
complement activity test complement activity test

The complement activity test allows for the determination of whether the protein is present and whether it has normal functional activity. In general, the measurement of the function or activity of complement in serum or plasma can be divided into three main categories: a) total complement function or activity test; b) individual components activity test; c) complement activation products test, including split products and protein complexes.

alternative pathway C3 convertase alternative pathway C3 convertase

ACH-4771 is a small Factor D inhibitor that blocks the catalytic side of Factor D. In presence of inactive Factor D, the alternative pathway convertase C3bBb is not formed and complement activation does not proceed. The other inhibitor LPN023, binds to the active site of Factor B and thus inhibits the alternative pathway C3 convertase and blocks C3 cleavage. Based on the different action sites of the inhibitor, it will be of interest to see which compound or which targeted pathway is most effective and which subform responds or benefits from which inhibitor. Besides, monoclonal antibody (mAb) was also designed by scientists to bind C3b, thereby preventing the formation of the C3 convertase.

Liposome Drugs Show Potential Therapy Effectiveness Liposome Drugs Show Potential Therapy Effectiveness

A novel liposome product, doxorubicin hydrocholoride liposomal injection, has received FDA approval as well as European Commission authorization to be used in the treatment of a variety of cancers, including ovarian cancer, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)-related Kaposi's sarcoma, and multiple myeloma. It is no doubt another piece of good news for patients as well as researchers around the world. Although considerable research in the last several decades on liposomes has gained significant advancement, further demonstrating the significant potential of liposome drug development, more research in the diverse applications of liposome drugs is still required to be conducted in the future. Liposomes as drug delivery carriers have attracted much attention due to their multiple advantages, such as their biocompatibility, which can protect pharmaceuticals from the inactivating effect of external conditions but not cause undesirable side reactions, and their potential slow-release or targeting properties. Among most of the novel drug delivery carriers, liposomes are considered the best ones. Therefore, a great deal of research on liposome development has progressed rapidly in recent years, including the development of liposomal formulations and functional liposomes. Liposomal formulations have a key role in the development of liposome drug delivery compared to general formulations, which can be utilized to overcome the non-ideal properties of drugs, including limited solubility, serum stability, circulation half-life, biodistribution, and target tissue selectivity. Liposome formulations have advantages in a variety of disease fields, including tumors, infections, neurology, anesthesia, ophthalmology, and diagnosis. Liposome-encapsulated drugs have 50%–70% lower tumor toxicity than free drugs, and liposome formulations have higher tumor suppressor activity than free drugs. Furthermore, functional liposome development is as important as the development of liposomal formulations. Liposomes can be used for specific applications by using appropriate surface functionalization and modification technology, such as extending circulation time, increasing cellular uptake, and increasing tumor site payload accumulation, for which the functional liposome provides key benefits in disease treatment. The growing demand for functional liposomes drives the continuous and rapid development of global biotechnology, and biotech companies all over the world are engaged in fierce competition to capture the abundant market share. Creative Biolabs, as an industry-leading biotech CRO based in the US, possesses various advanced liposome-based drug delivery systems, mature preparation technologies, and a team of professionals who have decades of experience in this field. The company can provide comprehensive functional liposome development and types of liposomal formulation development services, including liposome-encapsulated small molecule drugs, proteins, prodrugs, and nucleic acids, based on extensive experience and excellent liposome development technologies.

Understanding the Role of Glycans in Biological Research Understanding the Role of Glycans in Biological Research

Glycans, also known as carbohydrates or polysaccharides, are fundamental constituents of all cellular life. They play essential roles in various biological processes, including cell-to-cell communication, immune response, and disease progression, among others. Accurate glycan purification, glycan identification, and anti-glycan antibody assays are crucial in advancing our understanding of glycans and their roles in biology and medicine. Glycan purification is a critical initial step in the study of glycans. It is the process of extracting and isolating glycans from an organism or cell culture to make them available for further study. Purification allows researchers to separate glycans for individual analysis and remove unwanted materials that may interfere with the results, thus increasing the accuracy of any subsequent procedures. Various methodologies are utilized in glycan purification, dependent on the type, structure, and purpose of analysis, ranging from chromatographic separation techniques to enzymatic methods. Once glycans are purified, the next essential step is glycan identification. Glycans are notorious for their structural complexity and heterogeneity. Hence, they pose unique challenges in terms of their identification and characterization. Glycan identification involves determining the precise chemical structure of a carbohydrate based on different pieces of evidence, such as molecular weight or size and chemical properties. Techniques used in glycan identification often include Mass Spectrometry or Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), which allow researchers to map out the exact composition of a glycan and establish an identification profile that aids future studies. After purifying and identifying glycans, scientists often utilize anti-glycan antibody assays to further their understanding of biological systems. Anti-glycan antibody assays aim to detect antibodies produced against specific glycans. These antibodies are typically a part of the immune response against pathogens, disease progression, or vaccination. Detecting these antibodies can provide valuable insights into the immune response and help researchers understand and intervene in disease states. For instance, in the case of cancer, abnormal glycan structures are often present on tumor cells. Identifying these glycans and the antibodies that recognize them helps scientists develop targeted therapies and diagnostics. Similarly, anti-glycan antibodies play a pivotal role in investigating and combating infectious diseases, where pathogens often use glycans to invade host cells. Anti-glycan antibody assays use various technologies to detect these antibodies, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), Western blotting, and microarray technologies. These assays all rely on the specific binding of an antibody to its corresponding glycan to produce a detectable signal, signifying the presence of the antibody. In conclusion, glycan purification, glycan identification, and the anti-glycan antibody assay play a significant role in elucidating the functionalities of glycans in life and health sciences. These processes underpin the essential research into diseases, their treatments, and further advancements in the field of glycobiology. Continued investment in improving these methodologies will grant broader insight into the incredible potential glycans hold for medicine and biology, equipping scientists with the necessary tools to further unravel the complex puzzle of glycans.

Gamma Delta T-Cell Based Cancer Immunotherapy Gives Patients Great Hope Gamma Delta T-Cell Based Cancer Immunotherapy Gives Patients Great Hope

Cancer has been a leading cause of death worldwide for decades, accounting for nearly one in every six deaths and posing a serious threat to people's health. A great number of plans and approaches have been approved to support the improvement of cancer cure rates with ongoing research on cancer treatment. A recent study demonstrated that γδ T-cells were found to be the most prognostically beneficial immune cell subset in tumor infiltrates from 18,000 tumors across 39 malignancies, which makes γδ T-cells a kind of highly promising effector cell compartment for cancer immunotherapy. At present, γδ T cells have indicated powerful anti-tumor efficacy against breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, and others. As innate immune cells, indeed, gamma delta T cells can recognize tumor cells independently of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) restriction and quickly produce abundant cytokines and potent cytotoxicity in response to malignancies. Gamma delta T cells have several favorable features for the development of T cell-based therapy for cancer, which are listed below: * Gamma delta T cells recognize a broad spectrum of antigens on various cancer cells. * Gamma delta T cells recognize their target cells independent of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). * Gamma delta T cells are distributed in various tissues and can quickly respond to target tumor cells. * Gamma delta T cells interact with other immune cells such as B cells to drive a cascade of immune responses against tumors. Isolating and purifying functional and specific gamma delta T cell populations from a complex biological sample is crucial for understanding the biological function of gamma delta T cells and creating gamma delta T cell-based therapies. Therefore, outstanding technologies for T cell isolation play a critical role. Magnetic bead cell sorting (MACS) is a frequent, efficient, and quick method for isolating uncontaminated gamma delta T lymphocytes from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). In addition, due to the essential function of gamma delta T cells in several diseases, a T cell cytotoxicity test is necessary for testing gamma delta T cell activity and cytotoxicity. The normal cytotoxicity tests include the LDH cytotoxicity test, flow cytometry-based cytotoxicity test, and impedance-based label-free real-time cytotoxicity assay, in which the LDH cytotoxicity test is one of the most commonly used methods for cell cytotoxicity detection. Creative Biolabs is a biotechnology business that focuses on the discovery of gamma delta T cells to combat human cancers. They established and optimized robust platforms in-house for the selective isolation and expansion of anticancer gamma delta T cell populations from human tissues. Furthermore, they offer preclinical research services to assess the safety and efficacy of gamma delta T cell-based cancer immunotherapy.

Promising Strategies for Live Biotherapeutic Products Targeting Obesity Promising Strategies for Live Biotherapeutic Products Targeting Obesity

Obesity is spreading around the world and may contribute to a wide range of harmful conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, fatty liver, and cardiovascular disorders. Obesity can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a bad diet, insufficient rest or exercise, and heredity. Although altering one's lifestyle is still the most effective way to lose weight and improve metabolic symptoms, the use of some medical approaches shows abundant potential for individuals who cannot keep healthy routines or make behavioral modifications. Recent studies into the causes of obesity and the metabolic syndrome that it is associated with have revealed the importance of gut probiotics in the pathogenesis and control of obesity, but studies on the applications of probiotics for weight loss still need further exploration. Fortunately, recent breakthroughs in next-generation sequencing techniques expedite the discovery of novel probiotics, which encourages researchers and offers them lots of opportunities to further investigate the diversity of new microbes. These new probiotics can also be called next-generation probiotics or live biotherapeutic products (LBPs). They are typically characterized by live microbes and are intended to have therapeutic or preventive effects in human disease. LBPs have demonstrated considerable promise in recent years for decreasing infection, triggering innate immune responses, and controlling gastrointestinal metabolism. As a result, live biotherapeutic drug discovery for obesity has become increasingly important in clinical treatment and is going on heatedly around the world. A number of studies have been done to investigate and develop treatments for obesity using a variety of probiotics, such as Akkermansia muciniphila, Lactobacillus spp., and Bifidobacterium spp. Compared to other marketed drugs, however, the safety assessment of anti-obesity live biotherapeutic products faces serious challenges due to their special properties and mode of action. Therefore, the analytical development and qualification of live biotherapeutic products are indispensable during the development of LBPs, including but not limited to microbial identification, biological safety testing, potency testing, and stability testing, all of which are available at Creative Biolabs with the possession of innovative technology and talented scientific minds who have extensive experience in this field. Creative Biolabs, as a biotech CRO with extensive experience and a good reputation in the development of live biotherapeutic drugs, has provided a great number of high-quality probiotic products and a full set of services regarding analytic development and qualifications to global customers. In the future, the company will continue to optimize its services and products and strive to offer preferred services and products at the best price, promoting the discovery of live biotherapeutic drugs targeting a variety of diseases across the world.

Sustained Advancing Drug Delivery Development Is Required for the Disease Treatment Sustained Advancing Drug Delivery Development Is Required for the Disease Treatment

In recent years, great achievements have been made in the development of drug delivery systems, which bring potential therapeutics for diverse diseases. Many disease treatments remain to have some side effects despite all of the progress, which limits scientists' ability to treat many diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and infectious diseases. However, it is surprising that researchers do not give up but devote much effort to this field. Therefore, it is hopeful that sustained progress in this area will facilitate the targeted delivery of drugs while also mitigating their side effects. Among various drug delivery methods, vesicular system-based drug delivery is considered the most effective delivery method. In recent years, vesicles have become crucial carriers of drug delivery systems because they provide a practical approach for delivering drugs directly to the infection, reducing drug toxicity, and ensuring no adverse effects, including liposome-based drug delivery and ultrasome-based drug delivery. Because the liposomes are highly biocompatible and easy to control in vivo, liposome-based drug delivery possesses many advantages, including non-toxicity, being biocompatible and completely biodegradable, increasing drug efficacy, increasing stability, reducing the toxicity of drugs, and providing flexibility for active targeting. Following that, liposome products are in increasing demand on the market, such as the clodronate liposome, fluorescent liposome, liposomal doxorubicin, immunoliposomes, plain liposome, and cationic liposome. In addition, virosomes, as the novel strategy for drug delivery and targeting, are defined as one of the optimal drug delivery systems because they are biocompatible, biodegradable, non-toxic, and non-autoimmunogenic. And attempts have been made to use them as vaccines or adjuvants as well as delivery systems for drugs, nucleic acids, or genes for therapeutic purposes. Virosome-based drug delivery methods have the potential to address issues that have arisen in other promising drug developments, such as the inability to successfully deliver drugs to target cells. At present, virosomes represent an innovative drug carrier system that has been applied broadly in diverse treatments and prevention of cancer, neurological disorders, and infectious diseases. Creative Biolabs is a biotech CRO based in the USA, possessing a group of elite scientific minds with extensive experience in the development of various drug delivery methods. In recent years, the company has achieved significant achievements in this field and gained a good reputation from customers around the world. In the near future, Creative Biolabs will continue upgrading its scientific team and technologies, providing high-quality products and services for diverse drug delivery methods.

Efficient Solutions for Researchers in Studying Immune Therapeutics Efficient Solutions for Researchers in Studying Immune Therapeutics

Therapeutics that block inhibitory checkpoints or activate stimulatory checkpoints have proven to be effective in restoring anti-tumor immune responses and treating cancer in recent years. In particular, the FDA-approved drugs targeting immune checkpoints like cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen (CTLA-4), programmed cell death (PD-1), and its ligand (PD-L1) to treat various types of cancers have revolutionized the field of oncology. With immune checkpoint inhibitors having been intensely deployed as novel immunotherapy agents to treat cancer, immune checkpoint assays are beneficial and highly needed to understand the mechanism of immune checkpoint blockade therapy and effectively accelerate cancer immunotherapy development. The immune checkpoint assays listed below can fulfill a variety of immune checkpoint assay requirements. * Immune checkpoint binding and interaction assays It can provide an initial characterization of your immune checkpoint inhibitor candidates. * Immune checkpoint functional assays Functional assays can be used to test the immuno-modulatory activities of checkpoint inhibitors, such as the T cell proliferation assay, cytokine production assay, and T cell cytotoxicity assay. * Immune checkpoint potency and stability assays Testing for potency and stability is required to guarantee the reliability, effectiveness, and security of biopharmaceutical products. In addition, the immune checkpoint protein has received increasing attention due to its essential role in the immune system. To create more potent cancer treatments, biotin labeling and immune checkpoint cell line development services are essential for researchers to further study immune checkpoint therapy and make their assay development much easier. Many international CRO companies are working hard to offer a variety of useful biotin-labeled immune checkpoint products to support research on immune checkpoints, as did Creative Biolabs. Having optimized the technical pipelines for custom immune checkpoint protein labeling, they can provide a comprehensive set of immune checkpoint protein biotin labeling services to meet researchers' needs, such as an immune checkpoint protein biotin labeling service and an immune checkpoint protein fluorescence labeling service. Furthermore, immune checkpoint stable cell lines can also largely facilitate the research of anti-tumor immunity, which can be applied to manufacturing checkpoint antibodies, drug screening, and pharmacological and toxicological studies. If you want to get some support from CRO companies to accelerate your immune therapeutic research, you must pay attention to the development technologies they use to generate stable cell line products, for cutting-edge development technologies can have a direct impact on the performance and quality of stable cell line products for the development of immune checkpoint drugs.

A Promising Cancer Therapy:Gamma Delta T Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapy A Promising Cancer Therapy:Gamma Delta T Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapy

In recent years, gamma delta T cells have raised a lot of expectations to be applied in tumor and cancer treatment for their exceptional abilities to recognize and kill transformed cells independently of human leukocyte antigen restriction. And there has been increasing interest in translating their potential characteristics into innovative cellular cancer immunotherapies. Despite the high potential of gamma delta T cells, the efficacy of gamma delta T cell immunotherapy is currently limited, with a lower response rate. In order to advance gamma delta T cell immunotherapy, global biotech companies pull out all their efforts, trying to make some achievements, as Creative Biolabs did. Recent studies showed that gamma delta T cell repertoires (TCRs) provide the basis for their applications in cancer treatment. Analyzing the TCR repertoires may help to gain a better understanding of the immune system's features and of the aetiology and progression of diseases, in particular those with unknown antigenic triggers. However, the TCR receptor diverges widely, resulting in a severe challenge to the work of analysis. As a result, scientists have created a number of analysis methods to provide a practical and effective way for gamma delta TCR repertoire analysis, including sanger sequencing, polymerase chain reaction assays, and flow cytometry. Additionally, researchers must also conduct an investigation of the gamma delta TCR-ligand reaction before they can identify whether the ligand has a high affinity for the gamma delta TCR and further assess the effectiveness of the developed gamma delta T cell therapy. With the boom of biological techniques, several methods such as surface plasmon resonance, isothermal titration calorimetry, and X-ray crystallography are widely utilized for the identification and analysis of TCR-ligand reactions. More importantly, the need for TCR generation plays a role in boosting gamma delta T cell therapy. Whether it is αβ T cells or γδ T cells, the activation and various functions of T lymphocytes are both mediated by the surface TCR. Therefore, the significance of TCR generation does not require more explanation. As an expert in gamma delta T cell therapy development, Creative Biolabs has assembled a group of elite scientists and established a unique development platform to ensure each project's success. The company provides a comprehensive set of services regarding gamma delta T cell immunotherapy and tailored services based on customers' needs, including but not limited to gamma delta T cell repertoire analysis, TCR-ligand reaction analysis, and generation services. Meanwhile, professional consultations are available for customers to address their scientific and technical issues throughout the project's development.

Unlocking the Role of Astrocytes in CNS Inflammation: A Must-Attend Webinar Unlocking the Role of Astrocytes in CNS Inflammation: A Must-Attend Webinar

The central nervous system (CNS) is a complex network where precise cellular interactions are vital for maintaining brain health. Among its star players are astrocytes—glial cells that have emerged as pivotal regulators of CNS inflammation. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for addressing a variety of neurological diseases, and the upcoming webinar, "Regulation of CNS Inflammation by Astrocytes," is worth attending to deepen your knowledge. Date and Time: October 30, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET Registration Link: Astrocytes are not just passive support cells; they are dynamic entities that play dual roles during neuroinflammatory processes. While they can exacerbate inflammation by releasing pro-inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species in response to injury or disease, they also act protectively by secreting anti-inflammatory factors and maintaining the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. This intricate balance between promoting and resolving inflammation positions astrocytes as a focus for therapeutic strategies aimed at treating neuroinflammatory disorders. The esteemed guest speaker, Dr. Francisco J. Quintana, a leading expert in neuroimmunology, will guide participants through the complex landscape of astrocyte functions. Dr. Quintana is a Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School's Brigham and Women's Hospital and an Associate Member at The Broad Institute. With numerous awards and over 200 peer-reviewed publications, his research sheds light on the biological pathways that govern inflammation and neurodegeneration. What You Will Learn: * Introduction to Astrocytes: Understand the basic biology of astrocytes and their essential functions in the CNS. * Astrocyte Functions in Homeostasis: Explore how astrocytes maintain normal brain function and contribute to neuronal health. * Astrocyte Responses in Disease: Delve into how astrocytes behave in pathological conditions and their impact on neuroinflammatory diseases. * Novel Methods to Study Astrocytes: Learn about innovative approaches researchers are using to investigate astrocyte function and dynamics. * Cell-Cell Interactions: Discover how interactions between astrocytes and other CNS cells influence inflammation and overall CNS health. * Long-term Epigenetic Control: Gain insights into the mechanisms by which astrocyte responses are regulated and the implications for therapeutic interventions. * Future Directions in Astrocyte Research: What lies ahead in the exploration of astrocyte functions and their potential in developing new treatments. This webinar is a unique opportunity for neuroscientists, clinicians, and students interested in neuroinflammation to engage with cutting-edge research and gain insights that could shape future therapeutic approaches. Don't miss this chance to enhance your understanding of CNS inflammation and the role of astrocytes in health and disease! Register now at Creative Biolabs webinar registration. Join in this engaging session that promises to expand your horizons and foster a deeper appreciation of the complexities of CNS inflammation. Your participation may illuminate new pathways for research and therapeutic strategies! Look forward to seeing you there!