Free Software
Eye of Gnome
The classic Eye of GNOME is the official and default image viewer for the free and open source desktop environment GNOME. The application comes bundled with GNOME and is in later releases known as Image Viewer. However, Eye of GNOME can be used in any Linux operating system or distribution. It also share many similarities with another official image viewer for GNOME called gThumb
Fortran Web Framework
A web framework written in Fortran. The source code and documentation are open source, BSD license FLIBS code by Arjen Markus and Ricolindo Carino A.
Ubuntu Touch
Ubuntu Touch is a free and open-source mobile operating system maintained by the UBports community. The OS was first create by Canonical LTD, the company behind the Linux distribution, Ubunutu. With Ubuntu Touch, you can use your mobile devices in a free and open manner. Ubuntu Touch also allows you to turn your phone into a desktop computer using the "desktop mode"
Google Adsense
With Google Adsense you can earn money with website monetization. Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows publishers to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements, that are targeted to web page content and audience. With Google Adsense all advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google and its third-party network partners.
ClojureScript is a compiler for Clojure that targets JavaScript. It emits JavaScript code which is compatible with the advanced compilation mode of the Google Closure optimizing compiler. With ClojureScript, you write browser and web-based applications using Clojure and the REPL, allowing you to write the same Lisp syntax that you are used to in the Clojure ecosystem.
SparkyLinux is fast, lightweight and fully customizable operating system. The open source OS is based on Debian and released as free software under the GNU General Public License. With SparkyLinux, people can enjoy a stable operating system which is released with few different version depending on your use case. The fully featured release, with Openbox as a desktop environment and special editions called GameOver, Multimedia & Rescue.
Facebook Messenger
Facebook Messenger is a free standalone chat application that is well integrated with the social network, Facebook. With Facebook Messenger you can stay in contact with friends and family, and other contacts from Facebook. The applicaiton has a ton of built-in features that make communication fun and engaging. Send images, gifs, video messages, voice notes, and stickers or share content from around the web. Facebook Messenger automatically syncs with your Facebook contacts without the need of adding phone numbers or identification manually.
Phototonic is a fast and functional, open source image viewer and organizer. The software is written in C++/Qt and released for free under GNU General Public License v3. Phototonic takes inpiration from traditional image views and provides overview of your inventory with thumbnails and organized layouts.
Hasura is a software development tool that lets you build real-time GraphQL APIs for a PostgreSQL database. The software is free and open source, while enterprise features are provided at a cost. Hasura is perfect for building GraphQL powered microservices and 3factor applications.