Daptin Daptin
Bear CMS Bear CMS

This is a side by side comparison of Daptin and Bear CMS. Two products that are similar in nature, yet provide unique feature-sets that are worth taking in to account before making a purchasing decision or start using the software. This page can help you broadly analyze the products and weigh pros and cons against one another. Allowing you scrutinize peoples opinions about Daptin and Bear CMS, before making a decision if any of the products fit your use-case.

What is Daptin?

With Daptin you can build faster, more capable APIs over your data that works across all types of frontend. Daptin is a free and open-source headless CMS server written in Go. Daptin can be used as a backend for both mobile and web applications and provide ready-to-go REST and GraphQL API infranstructure.

How much does Daptin cost?

No pricing information available..

What platforms does Daptin support?

Daptin is available for Self-Hosted and Go .

Top Daptin Alternatives


An open-source tool for managing content across all your omni-channel digital experiences. Directus is free and open-source headless CMS written in PHP, that takes a data first approach. Developers and content creators use Directus to manage content and generate a powerful API that can be used by any frontend technology. Directus can be self-hosted and is absolutely free.

Free & Open Source
👍 Most people think Directus is a good alternative to Daptin.


Strapi is a free and open source headless CMS developed with JavaScript for Node.js. The software makes it really simple to generate REST and GraphQL APIs. Simply create your database schema and relationships in the Strapi admin panel UI, and Strapi will auto-generate API endpoints to represent the data structures provided. Strapi comes packed with features you come to expect from normal CMS's such as authentication, authorization, content management and a media library. The software can be used for free and can be self-hosted on any server and platform. Extra enterpise functionallity is currently being developed, and will be sold at cost.

Freemium & Open Source
👍 Most people think Strapi is a good alternative to Daptin.


Tina is an open-source site editing toolkit and headless CMS for React-based sites like Gatsby & Next.js

Free , Commercial & Open Source
👍 Most people think TinaCMS is a good alternative to Daptin.

The software Bear CMS Bear CMS is removed from the Top Daptin Alternatives since you are comparing against it. If you are looking for more software, applications or projects similar to Daptin Daptin we recommend you to check out our full list containing 94 Daptin Alternatives.

Daptin Gallery

What is Bear CMS?

Bear CMS is a self-hosted content management system that seamlessly integrates with your website. With Bear CMS you own your data and content, which is store on your own server. Your websites and Bear CMS's management tools integrate seamlessly and creates an experience that content managers and editors will enjoy.

How much does Bear CMS cost?

Bear CMS Basic

for beautiful personal websites


• Unlimited pages

• Unlimited elements (text, video, images, etc.)

• Unlimited blog posts

• Basic themes collection

• Addons

• One administrator

• Monitoring

• Software updates

• 24/7 support

Bear CMS Pro

for businesses and professionals

$5.00 per month per website

• Unlimited pages

• Unlimited elements (text, video, images, etc.)

• Unlimited blog posts

• Premium themes

• Premium addons (no additional cost)

• Multilanguage support

• Up to 100 administrators

• Priority software updates

• Priority 24/7 support

• White label support

The price is in USD. VAT excluded.

What platforms does Bear CMS support?

Bear CMS is available for Web , Self-Hosted and PHP .

Top Bear CMS Alternatives

Fork CMS

Fork CMS is a free and open-source, easy to use content management system built with PHP and Symfony Components. The content management system features an intuitive administration panel that makes it easy to create and manage content for the web. Fork CMS also comes packed with apps that can be installed to extend the feature set of the content management system.

Free & Open Source
👍 Most people think Fork CMS is a good alternative to Bear CMS.


Textpattern is an elegant content management system that is free, open source software. Textpattern is designed to be flexible with powerful tag-based templates that allow you to structure data and manipulate content. The content management system itself can also be extended with the use of plugins, that allow anyone to improve core functionality or add new features. Textpattern already have hundreds of available community built plugins that can be used to improve your website today.

Free & Open Source
👍 Most people think Textpattern is a good alternative to Bear CMS.

Backdrop CMS

Backdrop is a full-featured content management system written in PHP. The Backdrop CMS allows non-technical users to manage a wide variety of content. It can be used to create all kinds of websites including blogs, image galleries, social networks, intranets, and more.

Free & Open Source

The software Daptin Daptin is removed from the Top Bear CMS Alternatives since you are comparing against it. If you are looking for more software, applications or projects similar to Bear CMS Bear CMS we recommend you to check out our full list containing 91 Bear CMS Alternatives.

Bear CMS Gallery