ReverseSSH ReverseSSH

This is a side by side comparison of ReverseSSH and FireSSH. Two products that are similar in nature, yet provide unique feature-sets that are worth taking in to account before making a purchasing decision or start using the software. This page can help you broadly analyze the products and weigh pros and cons against one another. Allowing you scrutinize peoples opinions about ReverseSSH and FireSSH, before making a decision if any of the products fit your use-case.

What is ReverseSSH?

ReverseSSH is a statically-linked ssh server with a reverse connection feature for simple yet powerful remote access. Most people find ReverseSSH useful during HackTheBox, CTF's and similar challenges.

How much does ReverseSSH cost?

No pricing information available..

What platforms does ReverseSSH support?

ReverseSSH is available for Windows , macOS , Linux and Go .

Top ReverseSSH Alternatives


A tabbed SSH solution for Windows, combining PuTTY/KiTTY, WinSCP and VcXsrv


Get Console is the first ipad and iphone serial port application for cisco networking devices, providing serial connectivity without jailbreaking


OpenSSH is a free and open-source suite of secure networking utilities. The suite provides tools for remote login with the SSH protocol. All traffic over OpenSSH is fully encrypted eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other malicious activities by potential attackers.

Free & Open Source

The software FireSSH FireSSH is removed from the Top ReverseSSH Alternatives since you are comparing against it. If you are looking for more software, applications or projects similar to ReverseSSH ReverseSSH we recommend you to check out our full list containing 8 ReverseSSH Alternatives.

ReverseSSH Gallery

What is FireSSH?

After 13 years and 25 million downloads later, Firefox has officially removed FireFTP and FireSSH support from the browser. Thus, I've ended support / development of the addons. I recommend switching to Waterfox to continue using the addons.

How much does FireSSH cost?

No pricing information available..

What platforms does FireSSH support?

FireSSH is available for .

FireSSH Gallery