Bitesnap Bitesnap
Lose it! Lose it!

This is a side by side comparison of Bitesnap and Lose it!. Two products that are similar in nature, yet provide unique feature-sets that are worth taking in to account before making a purchasing decision or start using the software. This page can help you broadly analyze the products and weigh pros and cons against one another. Allowing you scrutinize peoples opinions about Bitesnap and Lose it!, before making a decision if any of the products fit your use-case.

What is Bitesnap?

Bitesnap is a fun and easy way to track what you eat.

How much does Bitesnap cost?

No pricing information available..

What platforms does Bitesnap support?

Bitesnap is available for .

Top Bitesnap Alternatives


Set a weight goal and we'll tell you how to reach it!

An intelligent calorie and weight tracking assistant that learns with you.

The software Lose it! Lose it! is removed from the Top Bitesnap Alternatives since you are comparing against it. If you are looking for more software, applications or projects similar to Bitesnap Bitesnap we recommend you to check out our full list containing 13 Bitesnap Alternatives.

Bitesnap Gallery

What is Lose it!?

Snap a photo of your food to get nutritional facts

How much does Lose it! cost?

No pricing information available..

What platforms does Lose it! support?

Lose it! is available for .

Top Lose it! Alternatives


We talked to Stefan Weiss of STRAFFR about the intelligent fitness band and here is what he said about it .
👍 Most people think STRAFFR is a good alternative to Lose it!.


Calorie calculator & counter for web, mobile and tablet. View calorie and nutrition content of foods. Sum macros. Calculate your BMR and set a goal. Start tracking your calories.
👍 Most people think Nutrydex is a good alternative to Lose it!.

An intelligent calorie and weight tracking assistant that learns with you.

The software Bitesnap Bitesnap is removed from the Top Lose it! Alternatives since you are comparing against it. If you are looking for more software, applications or projects similar to Lose it! Lose it! we recommend you to check out our full list containing 14 Lose it! Alternatives.

Lose it! Gallery