Frequently asked Questions
Wondering how our service works ?
Dive into our FAQ for more details
What is Zeemly and what is it used for?
Zeemly is a platform for crowd sourced software recommendations.
With the help of the community you can find the right software or application for your task at hand.
The platform allow you to browse and add software Alternatives, Pros & Cons and create lists of applications where you and others together can reach consensus.
How can I become a member?
Anyone can become a member of our community, and it is 100% free. To become a member simply follow the link to Sign Up.
How do I add my Software or SaaS product to the platform?
Adding software to the platform takes just a few minutes. The process requires you to be a member of our community and authenticated with our service.
When logged in, simply follow this link to
Add Software.
We ask you to be as thorough possible when adding new software products to our platform. This ensures that readers can enjoy accurate and up-to-date information about the software.
How can I delete my account?
As part of the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) users must be able to delete and/or download their personal data.
We have made this process extremly simple,
by going to the settings menu you can find a Personal Data tab where you can download your personal data we store of you in a .csv format.
Here you can also delete your account easily (be aware, when you choose to delete your account, it will be gone forever and can't be recovered).
What technologies was used when building this thing?
We like to stay close to HTML driven development and a serverside rendered approuch. To achive this we use fantastic languages, frameworks and tools like: Python, Django, HTMX, _hyperscript.