
What is ProfilePress?
If you ever wanted to extend your WordPress-powered website to support registration and user profiles, ProfilePress might be the right plugin for you. With ProfilePress you can create and manage registration forms, custom login forms, front-end password reset form and user profiles. The plugin require you to just have a basic knowledge of HTML & CSS for you to simply create a unique user experience. ProfilePress seamlessly integrate with bbPress, BuddyPress, WooCommerce and other popular third-party plugins.
How much does ProfilePress cost?
No pricing information available..
What platforms does ProfilePress support?
Top ProfilePress Alternatives
Ultimate Member
Ultimate Member is a WordPress plugin offers a wide range of features including user profiles, member directories, user registration and login, user role editing, content restriction.
A next generation user profile and social networking plugin for WordPress. PeepSo allows you to quickly and effortlessly create a social network and online community with you WordPress-powered site. The foundation of PeepSo is 100% free and gives you the basics to create a functional community. For more advanced features, there is a extensions ecosystem for both free and premium plugins that can be used to add more functionality and features to your site.
MemberPress is a premium WordPress plugin that allows you to instantly start charging your users for access to your content. The MemberPress plugin integrates with the most common payment provides and third-party services.
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we recommend you to check out our full list containing 16 ProfilePress Alternatives.
ProfilePress Gallery
What is bbPress?
bbPress is forum software from the creators of WordPress. With bbPress you can quickly setup a forum for asyncronous discussion and subscriptions for your WordPress-powered site.
How much does bbPress cost?
No pricing information available..
What platforms does bbPress support?
Top bbPress Alternatives
Disqus is a Comment-as-a-Service provider that makes it easy to add comments to any web property. It's one of the most popular comment plugins on the market today. With Disqus, publisher can bring their content to life, fuel colorful discussions, efficiently moderate comments, and build engaged communities. The plugin takes only a matter of minutes to setup and is as easy as installing a WordPress plugin or adding a code snippet to your website.
A free and open-source modern forum software written in PHP. With Flarum you can eaisly setup your own discussion froum and host it online.
vBulletin is a powerful commercial forum software written in PHP. The software is built to be easily extended through plguins and customized with themes. vBulletin is used to power many of the largest forum, communities and social site across the web. Over 100,000 sites are currenty powered by vBulletin.
The software
is removed from the Top bbPress Alternatives since you are comparing against it.
If you are looking for more software, applications or projects similar to
we recommend you to check out our full list containing 12 bbPress Alternatives.