Shoviv MBOX Converter tool Shoviv MBOX Converter tool
Cigati MBOX Converter Cigati MBOX Converter

This is a side by side comparison of Shoviv MBOX Converter tool and Cigati MBOX Converter. Two products that are similar in nature, yet provide unique feature-sets that are worth taking in to account before making a purchasing decision or start using the software. This page can help you broadly analyze the products and weigh pros and cons against one another. Allowing you scrutinize peoples opinions about Shoviv MBOX Converter tool and Cigati MBOX Converter, before making a decision if any of the products fit your use-case.

What is Shoviv MBOX Converter tool?

Shoviv MBOX Converter effortlessly liberates your emails from MBOX confinement and seamlessly transfers them to Outlook's welcoming embrace. Preserve precious data—emails, attachments, formatting, contacts, and folder structure—while effortlessly navigating even massive MBOX files. Handle multiple files simultaneously, split large PSTs for efficiency, and enjoy selective conversion for laser-focused transfers. Experience a swift, intuitive journey as Shoviv expertly guides you through every step, ensuring a flawless email migration experience.

How much does Shoviv MBOX Converter tool cost?

Stating with personal license which cost around $39 Stardard licesnce cost: $99 Techncial Licence cost $299

What platforms does Shoviv MBOX Converter tool support?

Shoviv MBOX Converter tool is available for Windows .

Top Shoviv MBOX Converter tool Pros & Cons

Support batch conversion of MBOX file

With this tool users can perform batch conversion from MBOX to various file format.

1 year, 2 months ago

Support 20+ Email clients for MBOX File conversion

This smart tool support 20+ email clients for covnerting/exporting MBOX email file into PST format.

1 year, 2 months ago

Incremental Export Feature

With this tool you can resume you pause conversion and migration task.

1 year, 2 months ago

Hey, there are more pros and cons available, these are just the ones that people agree with the most. In total people have added 5 Shoviv MBOX Converter tool Pros & Cons

Top Shoviv MBOX Converter tool Alternatives

MailsDaddy Free MBOX Viewer

Apple Mail, Gmail, Webmail, Thunderbird, Opera Mail, and many other email clients support the MBOX file format, and users can install and configure any portable email client to read MBOX data. MailDaddy Free MBOX Viewer is an easy process to load and open MBOX files instantly. Any user can use this application and easily read MBOX files in one go. The software provides a clear preview of the email and keeps all attachments during display. The software has several other options that users can unlock after upgrading the software.

Free & Proprietary

Aryson MBOX to PST Converter

>Aryson MBOX to PST Converter Tool is the best tool for converting MBOX data files to Outlook PST and other file formats easily. The tool is able to convert MBOX data files to various other formats such as OST, DOCX, PDF, JSON, EML, JPG, CSV, etc. It takes MBOX files as an input for conversion from MBOX to PST format in bulk. The tool is Embedded with a feature to save the resultant files with the desired folder name.
One-Time License & Proprietary

CubexSoft MBOX to PDF Converter to Extract Mass MBOX Files to Adobe

The CubexSoft MBOX to PDF Converter tool is the best option to convert all MBOX emails to PDF files with all email attachments, email hyperlinks, email header, and all other types of email data. Through the help of this amazing software any user can easily convert all MBOX files to PDF files instantly and safely with batch email data within a single processing way. Furthermore, users are allowed to preview the files before the migration process and set the destination path of the resultant file with ease. Read More:

The software Cigati MBOX Converter Cigati MBOX Converter is removed from the Top Shoviv MBOX Converter tool Alternatives since you are comparing against it. If you are looking for more software, applications or projects similar to Shoviv MBOX Converter tool Shoviv MBOX Converter tool we recommend you to check out our full list containing 6 Shoviv MBOX Converter tool Alternatives.

Shoviv MBOX Converter tool Gallery

What is Cigati MBOX Converter?

Cigati MBOX Converter Tool is an extraordinary tool embedded with advanced and realistic attributes used to remove duplicate emails from MBOX files. This can be used to migrate MBOX files into different email clients such as Gmail, Yahoo, IMAP, Outlook, etc. Also, this utility performs batch conversion for MBOX files at a time.

How much does Cigati MBOX Converter cost?

Single License - $49 Administrator License - $99 Technician License - $199 Enterprise License - $299

What platforms does Cigati MBOX Converter support?

Cigati MBOX Converter is available for Windows .

Top Cigati MBOX Converter Alternatives

DataVare MBOX to NSF Converter

MBOX to NSF Converter is a proficient tool, which helps to perform an accurate conversion from MBOX to Lotus Notes NSF file format. Easily access emails of Thunderbird MBOX file into Lotus Notes.
👍 Most people think DataVare MBOX to NSF Converter is a good alternative to Cigati MBOX Converter.

ZOOK MBOX to NSF Converter

Batch Export MBOX to NSF to Import Mailbox data into IBM Lotus Notes

DataVare MBOX to EML Converter

Download MBOX to EML Converter Expert tool for Windows to convert emails from Thunderbird to EML or multiple MBOX file to EML and EMLX.

The software Shoviv MBOX Converter tool Shoviv MBOX Converter tool is removed from the Top Cigati MBOX Converter Alternatives since you are comparing against it. If you are looking for more software, applications or projects similar to Cigati MBOX Converter Cigati MBOX Converter we recommend you to check out our full list containing 12 Cigati MBOX Converter Alternatives.

Cigati MBOX Converter Gallery