Zoho Notebook Zoho Notebook
Deepnote Deepnote

This is a side by side comparison of Zoho Notebook and Deepnote. Two products that are similar in nature, yet provide unique feature-sets that are worth taking in to account before making a purchasing decision or start using the software. This page can help you broadly analyze the products and weigh pros and cons against one another. Allowing you scrutinize peoples opinions about Zoho Notebook and Deepnote, before making a decision if any of the products fit your use-case.

What is Zoho Notebook?

With Zoho Notebook you can manage notes with your team in the cloud. Zoho Notebook provides an intuetive interface and easy to user tools that makes notetaking easier than ever. Apart from its affordable price and beautiful design, Zoho Notebook also has other delightful attributes that make it a top choice for anyone looking to bring their note-taking to the next level.

How much does Zoho Notebook cost?

No pricing information available..

What platforms does Zoho Notebook support?

Zoho Notebook is available for Windows , macOS , Linux , Android , iOS , Apple Watch and Web .

Top Zoho Notebook Alternatives

Google Keep

A free note-taking service developed by Google. With Google Keep you can quickly capture what's on your mind and get reminded at the right time or place. Google Keep is available on the web, and has mobile apps for the Android and iOS mobile operating systems. You can use your original Google Account, email or phone to access your notes stored in Google's cloud.

Free & Proprietary


Orginize your notes effortlessly in the cloud with Evernote. The application is designed or note taking, organizing, task management, and archiving. With Evernote users can find information and take notes in the form of text, drawings, photographs, or saved web content that can be shared with anyone. Evernote is available cross platform and is free to sign up for, however premium features are provided at a monthly cost.

Freemium & Proprietary


Joplin is a free and open source note taking and to-do list application. Joplin can handle large number of notes organised into notebooks and allow you to write memorable notes using markdown. With Joplin your notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified either from the applications directly or from your own text editor.

Free & Open Source

The software Deepnote Deepnote is removed from the Top Zoho Notebook Alternatives since you are comparing against it. If you are looking for more software, applications or projects similar to Zoho Notebook Zoho Notebook we recommend you to check out our full list containing 23 Zoho Notebook Alternatives.

Zoho Notebook Gallery

What is Deepnote?

Deepnote is an intuitive, Jupyter-compatible data science notebook with real-time collaboration. The software runs in the cloud and can be accessed in your browser. Deepnote was built yo help data scientists to collaborate better by allowing people to review each others notebooks, presenting work to team members and handeling over models to other teams. Deepnote integrates with your existing infrastructure, your workflow and third-party services like PostreSQL, Google BigQuery, Spark, GitHub, S3 and GCS buckets.

How much does Deepnote cost?

No pricing information available..

What platforms does Deepnote support?

Deepnote is available for Web and SaaS .

Top Deepnote Alternatives


The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. The Jupyter Notebook is primarily used in data science for data transformation and cleaning, numerical simulation, statistical modeling and machine learning.

Free , Commercial & Open Source
👍 Most people think Jupyter is a good alternative to Deepnote.


IPython is a powerful, free and open-source interactive shell used for interactive computing. It's an alternative to the Python interpreter that provides improvements over its default counterpart. These improvements include syntax highlight, proper indentation, documentation, and much more. With iPython, you can use Jupyter notebooks to create reports that contain live code, charts, and more interesting things for data science and data visualisation.

Free & Open Source
👍 Most people think IPython is a good alternative to Deepnote.


Turn a Git repo into a collection of interactive notebooks

The software Zoho Notebook Zoho Notebook is removed from the Top Deepnote Alternatives since you are comparing against it. If you are looking for more software, applications or projects similar to Deepnote Deepnote we recommend you to check out our full list containing 3 Deepnote Alternatives.

Deepnote Gallery