Buildkite Alternatives

Buildkite Alternatives

Buildkite is a platform for running fast, secure, and scalable continuous integration pipelines on your own infrastructure... read more.
According to people there are many software similar to it, and the best alternative to Buildkite is CircleCI which is both freemium and proprietary. Other highly recommended applications include Bitbucket (Free) , Jenkins (Free) and Octopus Deploy .
In total people have suggested 7 alternatives to Buildkite that share similarities by use case and feature set.


With CircleCI, teams can build and ship appliocations faster. CircleCI provides tools that makes the feedback cyckle shorter, and pipeline maintenance simpler. Whether you need the simplicity of a cloud-hosted solution or the control of hosting on your own private infrastructure, CircleCI all the way from startup to enterprise scale.

Freemium & Proprietary
👍 Most people think CircleCI is a good alternative to Buildkite.


With Bitbucket developers and teams can collaborate better on software projects. BitBucket is a web-based version control repository hosting service owned by Atlassian. The software is a suite of tools built on-top of the free and open-source Git repoitory management and version control system. Bitbucket provides features that developers can use to build, test and deploy code with integrated CI/CD.

Free & Proprietary
👍 Most people think Bitbucket is a good alternative to Buildkite.


Jenkins is a free and open source DevOps tool used for ticket systems and CI/CD infrastructure. Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any software project. The tool is a self-contained Java-based program that is ready to run out-of-the-box, with packages for Windows, Mac OS X and Unix-like operating systems. Anyone is free to contribute to Jenkins, and the software is released under the MIT license.

Free & Open Source
👍 Most people think Jenkins is a good alternative to Buildkite.

Octopus Deploy

Octopus is a friendly deployment automation tool for .NET developers.


Codeship is a fast and secure hosted Continuous Delivery platform that scales with your needs.


Python-based continuous integration testing framework

Travis CI

Focus on writing code. Let Travis CI take care of running your tests and deploying your apps.

How Are These Buildkite Alternatives Generated?

Information found on this page is crowd-sourced by the community and contains the most agreed upon Buildkite alternatives. You can use this information to find similar software to Buildkite for specific platforms with various pricing options and licenses. Anyone that have previously used Buildkite can suggest alternatives, vote on the accuracy of other users claims, and help more people in the process of doing so.

This page was last updated on Sun 23 Jan 2022 (3 weeks, 1 day ago).