Elegant Themes Alternatives

Elegant Themes Alternatives

Simple, yet beautiful WordPress themes with easy to use implementation and support... read more.
According to people there are many software similar to it, and the best alternative to Elegant Themes is ThemeForest which is commercial. Other highly recommended applications include Themesberg and TeslaThemes .
In total people have suggested 3 alternatives to Elegant Themes that share similarities by use case and feature set.


ThemeForest is a theme and template market place where designers and creators can buy and sell digital assets. Over 35,000 designers and developers use ThemeForest to sell and promote their products to individuals and businesses. ThemeForest operates with a gradual revenue share model if you sell exclusively on the platform. The Envato Author Fee starts at 37.5% and gets to as low as 12.5% when you have sold for more than $75,000 in total. If you also sell your products elsewhere, there is a 50% flat fee.

👍 Most people think ThemeForest is a good alternative to Elegant Themes.


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How Are These Elegant Themes Alternatives Generated?

Information found on this page is crowd-sourced by the community and contains the most agreed upon Elegant Themes alternatives. You can use this information to find similar software to Elegant Themes for specific platforms with various pricing options and licenses. Anyone that have previously used Elegant Themes can suggest alternatives, vote on the accuracy of other users claims, and help more people in the process of doing so.

This page was last updated on Sun 23 Jan 2022 (3 weeks, 1 day ago).