jEdit Alternatives

jEdit Alternatives for Windows

jEdit is a mature programmer's text editor written in Java. The editor is released as free and open source software under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. With jEdit you can enjoy features like auto indentation and syntax highlighting fo.. read more.

According to people there are many software similar to it, and the best alternative to jEdit is RubyMine which is both commercial and proprietary. Other highly recommended applications include Atom (Free) , Sublime Text (Free,Commercial) and Visual Studio Code (Free).
In total people have suggested 5 alternatives to jEdit that share similarities by use case and feature set. In this list with its current filter selection you'll find 4 jEdit alternatives for Windows.


With RubyMine you can produce high-quality code more efficiently, thanks to first-class support for Ruby and Rails, JavaScript and CoffeeScript, ERB and HAML, CSS, Sass and Less, and more. RubyMine is IDE specifically designed for the programming language Ruby. It allows developers to take advantage of the language specific-aware syntax & error highlighting, code formatting, code completion, and quick documentation.

Commercial & Proprietary


A free and open-source IDE for macOS, Linux, and Windows developed by GitHub Inc. The application is build on the Electron framework and provides a wide eco-system of add-ons that can be used to extend the IDE further. Atom is loved by developers across the globe.

Free & Open Source

Sublime Text

A loved text editor and IDE for web developers and designers that provides unmatched responsiveness. Sublime Text provides a wide selection of editing command including indenting or un-indenting, paragraph reformatting, line joining , multiple selections, regular expression search and replace, incremental find as you type, and preserve case on replace. The IDE can also be extended with community built packages to further improve language detection, auto-complete and intellisense features.

Free , Commercial & Proprietary

Visual Studio Code

A free and open source IDE based on Electron and Atom, developed by Microsoft. Visual Studio Code or VS Code is an extensible IDE or coding editor that is loved by many developers around the globe. The editor combines a streamlined UI with advanced code assistance, code nagivation and intellisense.

Free & Open Source

How Are These jEdit Alternatives Generated?

Information found on this page is crowd-sourced by the community and contains the most agreed upon jEdit alternatives for Windows. You can use this information to find similar software to jEdit for specific platforms with various pricing options and licenses. Anyone that have previously used jEdit can suggest alternatives, vote on the accuracy of other users claims, and help more people in the process of doing so.

This page was last updated on Sun 23 Jan 2022 (3 weeks, 1 day ago).