Leopoly Alternatives

Open Source Leopoly Alternatives

Leopoly is a CAD software for 3D and VR design with fully customizable, industry-leading digital landscapes that are easy to use for a variety of projects. It provides sophisticated, intuitive tool that opens new doors to 3D design for everyone from co.. read more.

According to people there are many software similar to it, and the best alternative to Leopoly is FreeCAD which is both free and open source. Other highly recommended applications include LibreCAD (Free).
In total people have suggested 9 alternatives to Leopoly that share similarities by use case and feature set. In this list with its current filter selection you'll find 2 Open Source Leopoly alternatives.


FreeCAD is a highly customizable, scriptable and extensible computer aided design software software for the, MacOS, Linux and Windows operating systems. With FreeCad you can model and design real-life objects in 3D through parametric modeling where all 3D objects you design are controlled by parameters. FreeCAD is released as free and open source software under LGPv2+ license, and can be used for commercial and hobby projects alike.

Free & Open Source


LibreCAD is a free and open-source 2D CAD software used 2D modeling. With LibreCAD, users can model 2D objects in a neat and intuitive GUI based on Qt5. The software is available in 30+ languages and works cross-platform for macOS, Linux and Windows.

Free & Open Source

How Are These Leopoly Alternatives Generated?

Information found on this page is crowd-sourced by the community and contains the most agreed upon Open Source Leopoly alternatives. You can use this information to find similar software to Leopoly for specific platforms with various pricing options and licenses. Anyone that have previously used Leopoly can suggest alternatives, vote on the accuracy of other users claims, and help more people in the process of doing so.

This page was last updated on Sun 23 Jan 2022 (3 weeks, 1 day ago).