Popcorn Time Pros & Cons

Popcorn Time Pros & Cons

Top pros of using Popcorn Time
  • Cross Platform Support
  • Amazing User Interface
  • Built on BitTorrent Technology
Top cons of using Popcorn Time
  • May contain copyrighted material
In total 4 Pros and Cons for Popcorn Time has been submitted so far, in which 2 where positive and 1 was negative. The highest rated or deemed most accurate Pros & Cons was submitted by the users Jenna , Jenna and Jenna .

Cross Platform Support

Popcorn Time provides cross platform support and is available on Android, Linux, macOS and Windows.

3 years ago

Amazing User Interface

Popcorn time provides an amazing user interface that is in some sense better than its commercial counterparts. With Popcorn time its easy to find exactly the movie or series you are looking for through search, browsing categories or viewing reviews across the web, all within the application itself.

3 years ago

Built on BitTorrent Technology

Popcorn Time is built on BitTorrent technology which provides a network effect that automatically seed the movies and series to other people when viewing them.

3 years ago

May contain copyrighted material

It's important to understand that content found on Popcorn Time maybe copyrighted and thus you might engage in an illegal activity when viewing some content, since you are automatically help sharing the content to other viewers.

3 years ago

Information found on this page is crowd-sourced by the community and contains the most agreed upon Popcorn Time Pros and Cons. Which allows you to determine advantages and disadvantages of using Popcorn Time and pinpoint Popcorn Time's strengths and weaknesses. Anyone that have used Popcorn Time can post their own views of the software, vote on the accuracy of other users claims, and help more people is the process of doing so.

This page was last updated on Mon 21 Mar 2022 (3 years ago).