Shoviv Exchange OST Recovery Tool

Shoviv Exchange OST Recovery Tool

Users can simply try the Shoviv Exchange OST Recovery tool to repair their corrupted OST files and achieve better results. Several tools are available for the users, but choosing this tool will benefit users. Although it is difficult for the users to select the tool for the process. The tool that we have mentioned is one of the most used tools. Due to its unique feature and user-friendly interface, it make the whole process very easy going. The software comes with some unique features, and if users want to repair OST file then they must go through the tool's features as cited in the following paragraph. The software can recover large-size OST files in no time. It can extract the task, events, emails, and calendars from the corrupted OST files. Once the OST file is recovered, it converts the file to PST file format. There is a search option where users can search the item with “Subject”, “From”, and “To”. Users can also convert their OST files into MSG, EML, vCal, vCard and HTML formats.

Shoviv Exchange OST Recovery Tool Information

Categories: Email Management
Platforms: Windows
Pricing: Freemium
License: Proprietary