Shoviv OneDrive Migration Tool

Shoviv OneDrive Migration Tool

Shoviv Software has developed an automated tool to ease the migration of OneDrive files. Shoviv OneDrive Migration Tool comes up with advanced and new features to do this task instantly. This software has no restriction on processing numerous large-sized files or folders from OneDrive to the desired target. It offers a filter option that allows users to include or exclude files on the folder, file presence, file size, file type, file extension, or date-wise criteria. Users can quickly transfer all kinds of files from OneDrive to another account. One can efficiently perform the OneDrive to OneDrive migration task as it doesn’t require technical expertise to handle the software. This software allows users to create multiple jobs and run them concurrently. The speed of the migration task will remain the same even after processing numerous jobs at a time. Users can schedule the migration jobs daily, weekly or monthly. Moreover, users can schedule the migration at a specific time and date using its scheduler option.

Shoviv OneDrive Migration Tool Information