WebbyAcad MBOX Converter Exporter Tool

WebbyAcad MBOX Converter Exporter Tool

WebbyAcad MBOX Converter Exporter Tool is software that can easily move email data from the MBOX file to other email types and platforms. You can use it to save emails from Thunderbird, Apple Mail, or Gmail in different forms, such as PST, EML, PDF, OLM, and more. Key features and benefits: * User-friendly design: Has an interface that is simple and easy to use, so people of all technical levels can use it. * Advanced screening options: Allows you to sort emails by specific criteria, like date, author, or receiver, so you can get the data you need. * Support for a number of email clients: It works with many email apps that use the MBOX file, like Thunderbird, Apple Mail, Gmail, and more.

WebbyAcad MBOX Converter Exporter Tool Information

WebbyAcad MBOX Converter Exporter Tool Pricing

WebbyAcad MBOX Converter Exporter Tool has a flexible price system so that it can meet the needs of all users. The price may be different for each version, but the tool usually has more than one model or plan, and each has its own set of features and restrictions.