Open Source Cloud Storage Software

Internxt Drive Internxt Drive

Internxt Drive is a secure file storage solution with a focus on user-friendliness and security. Internxt Drive allows you to store files, photos, videos in the cloud and sync or backup local files and make them available for sharing online. With Internxt Drive military-grade encryption you can rest assured that your files are in safe and only accessible by you.

Terabox Mod APK Terabox Mod APK

The modified version of the Terabox app, known as TeraBox mod apk, offers users improved features such as unlimited storage, faster downloads, and ad-free browsing. This customized app is designed to enhance the user experience.

Terabox APK for Multimedia Storage Terabox APK for Multimedia Storage

Terabox APK stands out as a reliable and feature-rich solution for multimedia storage, ensuring that your digital memories are both secure and easily accessible. Experience the convenience of Terabox as you manage and cherish your multimedia files effortlessly.

Shoviv Google Drive Migration Tool Shoviv Google Drive Migration Tool

Shoviv offers an all-in-one solution to migrate Google Drive in a speedy way. Shoviv Google Drive Migration Tool provides a user-friendly solution for seamless migration to various targets. Along with migrating Google Drive to Google Drive, Google Drive to OneDrive and Local Drive. This mastered utility works on job-based processing and runs several jobs parallel, boosting speed. To ease the migration process, multiple user-centric facilities are being provided with a user-friendly GUI. Its advanced algorithm works on every kind of file regardless of the type and size of the file. Plus, this tool has a demo version that lets you migrate less than 20KB items for free.

Google Drive Backup Tool Google Drive Backup Tool

The Shoviv Google Drive backup tool is extremely helpful in keeping a backup of all the data stored in Google Drive. To speed up the backup, this utility offers the option to simultaneously back up multiple Google Drives. Plus, this tool has a demo version that lets you migrate less than 20KB items for free.

Office 365 Migration Office 365 Migration

Shoviv Office 365 Migration Tool is an advanced one-stop solution that allows you to migrate Exchange to Office 365 effortlessly. Users can migrate Exchange to Microsoft 365, Exchange to Exchange, Office 365 to Exchange, and Office 365 Tenant to Tenant. This Office 365 Migration Tool keeps a convenient GUI that makes the Exchange migration to Office 365 easy for everyone. Additionally, this tool has a demo version that lets you process first 50 items per folder for free.