Photo Editing Software for Windows

Glimpse Glimpse

Glimpse is an open source image editor based on the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) 2.10.18. The goal of Glimpse is to experiment with new ideas and expand the use of free/libre software. Glimpse brings a new name and logo, a cleaner UI, and fewer "easter eggs" make an already amazing open source software package feel more enterprise-ready.

Rhinoceros Rhinoceros

With Rhinoceros 3D you can design, model, present and realize three dimensional creation. Rhinoceros is a 3D modeling software built for professionals. It allows you to create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and translate NURBS curves, surfaces and solids, subdivision geometry (SubD), point clouds, and polygon meshes. With Rhinoceros there are no limits on complexity, degree, or size, beyond those of your computer hardware.

Artrage Artrage

Artrage is a digital painting software with a full range of familiar tools that look and feel like in reality. With Artrage you can paint on canvas with thick, expressive oils and delicate watercolors, a sketchpad with a full set of pencils, and a sheet of paper with a stack of wax crayons. The software is designed from the ground up to fade the digital and analog world and give you a realistic painting experience.

Flickr Flickr

Flickr is home to millions of people who share billions of photos with each other and the world. It's a photo and video sharing social network that can be used to host, share and promote images and videos. Flickr is mainly used by passionate photographers who use to platform to host their material, reach a broader audience and make new connections.

PhotoQt PhotoQt

PhotoQt is a free and open-source, simple yet powerful image viewer, based on Qt/QML. It mprovides provides a simple and uncluttered interface filled powerful features. PhotoQt supports GraphicsMagick, Libraw, FreeImage, DevIL, Poppler, libarchive.

CloudApp CloudApp

CloudApp is a screen recording software for Mac, Windows, Chrome, and iOS. With CloudApp you can record your screen as a video with your voice & face, an annotated image, or a GIF and instantly share it as a link to get your point across.

InVision Studio InVision Studio

InVision Studio is a unified digital product design environment that provides empowering features for design creation and collaboration. With InVision Studio, you and your team can do rapid prototyping and advanced animation for dynamic motion design. The user experience provided by InVision Studio makes it easy for you and your team to take your ideas to development and quickly itirate to reach market faster.

MyPaint MyPaint

MyPaint is a free and open-source raster grahics editor use for digital painting. The software is easy to use and works well with graphics tablets such as Wacom and the likes. MyPaint comes with a builtin brush engines that is highly configurable and allows the user to experiment by creating own brushes that can be used to create unique digital paintings.

Substance Painter Substance Painter

Substance Painter is 3D painting software developed by Adobe. With Substance Painter, you can easily work with smart materials, smart masks and integrated bakers, in a state of the art real-time viewport. Substance Painter is brings that Photoshop feeling to 3D painting.