Open Source Software for Windows

Remix OS Remix OS

Remix OS is an operating system for personal computers with x86 and ARM architectures that, prior to discontinuation of development, shipped with a number of 1st- and 3rd-party devices. With Remix OS you can run mobile Android apps on your Intel-based desktop PC.

Nim Nim

A statically typed compiled systems programming language. Nim combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Nim generates native dependency-free executables, not dependent on a virtual machine, which are small and allow easy redistribution. The Nim compiler generates executables support all major platforms like Windows, Linux, BSD and macOS

GDevelop GDevelop

GDevelop is a 2D cross-platform, free and open-source game engine that takes visual programming to the next level. GDevelop allows you to take read-made behaviours and add them to your game objects or create new once with intuitive and east to use events. With GDevelop, it is easy to make games for PC and Mobile, as well as launch HTML5 games playable right in your web browser.

VoltDB VoltDB

VoltDB is a blazingly fast NewSQL database management system that is specifically designed to run on modern scale-out architectures - fast, inexpensive servers connected via high-speed data networks. VoltDB is a popular choice for companies with high data throughput requirements, like in the telecommunications industry. 5G has changed the game for telcos, and new rules call for a new way of managing data. VoltDB is built for today’s massive data volume and complexity, allowing businesses to survive and thrive in the age of 5G, IoT, and whatever comes next.

OrientDB OrientDB

OrientDB is an open-source NoSQL database management system written in Java. The multi-model database supports graph, document, key/value, and object models, where relationships are managed as in graph databases with direct connections between records. The database is extremly efficient and can store over 220,000 records per second on common hardware, and traverse thousands of records in milisecons. OrientDB scales well on multiple machines, thanks to the multi-master replication where there is no single bottleneck on writes like with master-slave replication.


HSQLDB is a relational database engine written in Java, with a JDBC driver, conforming to ANSI SQL:2016. It's the best for Java developers for development, testing and deployment of database applications. HSQLDB provides a small, fast, multithreaded engine and server with memory and disk tables, LOBs, transaction isolation, multiversion concurrency and ACID.

CrateDB CrateDB

CrateDB is the leading, distributed SQL database for relational and time‑series data. CrateDB provides a distributed SQL DBMS built atop NoSQL storage & indexing delivers the best of SQL & NoSQL in one DB. It's designed for simple scalability with a masterless architecture with auto-sharding & replication. It also provides solutions for dynamic schema where the schema evolves automatically as new columns are inserted, while handling any tabular or non-tabular data to support a wide range of use cases. CrateDB is the perfect choice for your machine data.

CouchBase CouchBase

Couchbase, originally known as Membase is an award-winning, open-source, distributed multi-model NoSQL and document-oriented cloud database. It is designed and optimized for interactive applications and may serve many concurrent users by creating, storing, retrieving, aggregating, manipulating and presenting data. Couchbase delivers unmatched versatility, performance, scalability, and financial value across cloud, on-premises, hybrid, distributed cloud, and edge computing deployments.

PostgreSQL PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL, or Postgres for short is a widely popular, free and open-source relational database management system. PostgreSQL is available for all major operating systems including macOS, Linux, Windows, BSD and Solaris. The project has been in active development for over 30 years now, and powers many of the applications you use on a daily basis.


A Chinese developed open-source NewSQL database that supports analytical processing and hybrid transactional workloads. TiDB is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and primarily developed by PingCAP, Inc. The database provides high availability with strong consistency and horizontal scaling and is compatible with MySQL.