Free Software for WearOS

Google Fit Google Fit

Google Fit is a health-tracking platform developed by Google. The application is avalible for Android, WearOS and Apple's iOS.

Ad fiber knob CD40 Miniantibody Ad fiber knob CD40 Miniantibody

A fusion protein made of two different scFv segments, Recombinant anti-Ad fiber knob CD40 miniantibody has anti-Ad fiber knob and anti-CD40 specificity. A flexible hinge region connects one scFv of an anti-Ad fiber knob antibody variable domain to another scFv of an anti-CD40 antibody variable domain. Compared to typical IgGs, this BsAb structure has a smaller size and greater penetration for clinical diagnosis and maybe therapy. Adenoviral vectors can be retargeted by this BsAb to tumor cells. It can be applied in cancer gene therapy to deliver a therapeutic gene to tumor cells with the goal of efficient and targeted cell death.