Software for JavaScript

React React

React is a free an open-source Javascript framework for frontend development. With React you can build powerful, component-based application that supports compilation of JSX, ES6 and auto-prefixed CSS files. The popular framework is developed by Facebook and used by countless of applications across the web and mobile devices to build  structured user interfaces or UI components.

GitBook GitBook

GitBook provides developers and teams with a modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown. With GitBook, you and your team can create beatiful documentaion with minimal effort. The software integrates with Slackand other third-party software, allowing users of GitBook to easily search and share information that is part of their documentation. GitBook was first created as an open-source CLI tool but is now offered as a SaaS, making it easier than ever to start a GitBook for your project.

Semantic UI Semantic UI

Semantic UI is a free and open-source framework for HTML and CSS. The framework treats words and classes as exchangeable concepts. Classes use syntax from natural languages like noun/modifier relationships, word order, and plurality to link concepts intuitively. Semantic UI provides similar benefits to that of BEM or SMACSS style guidelines.

Hexo Hexo

A fast, simple & powerful blog framework and static site generator powered by Node.js. With Hexo, you can quicly build static websites and blogs that generates at an increaible speed. Hexo generates hundreds of files per seconds and quickly builds and push your website to deployment, with a single command. You can have your site up and running in minutes on well known hosts and platforms like GitHub Pages, Heroku, Digital Ocean and other platforms. The framework support all features of  GitHub Flavored Markdown and most Octopress plugins by default. Hexo is released free and open-source under the MIT License.

Total.js Total.js

Total.js is a free and open-source framework for Node.js platform written in pure JavaScript. The framework share many similarities with other giants like PHP's Laravel, Python's Django and ASP.NET MVC. Developers use Total.js to build modern web, desktop and IoT applications.

Gatsby Gatsby

Gatsby is a free and open source framework and site generator that helps developers to build blazing fast websites and apps. The framework is based on React and include a plugin ecosystem that can be used to extend the capabilities of Gatsby. With Gatsby you can pull data from headless CMSs, SaaS services, APIs, databases, even your file system with the help of GraphQL. If you are looking to build a fast website that scales with time, Gatsby might your best pick.

Koa Koa

Koa is a free and open-source, expressive HTTP middleware framework for Node.js. Koa provides a great developer experience that makes writing web applications and APIs more enjoyable. Koa's middleware stack flows in a stack-like manner, allowing you to perform actions downstream then filter and manipulate the response upstream. Only methods that are common to nearly all HTTP servers are integrated directly into Koa's small codebase. This includes things like content negotiation, normalization of node inconsistencies, redirection, and a few others.

React Hook Form React Hook Form

React Hook Form is a tiny form library without any dependencies. With the library it's simple to create React-based, performant, flexible and extensible forms with proper validation. React Hook Form is built with performance and DX in mind and embraces native form validation with simple integration to various UI libraries. Allowing developers to crete tiny size forms without dependancy, that follows HTML standards for validation. React Hook Form also provides resolvers support for third-party validation libraries like Yup, Zod, Superstruct, Joi or your custom sulotions.

KeystoneJS KeystoneJS

KeystoneJS is an open source JavaScript & Node.js framework that make build database-driven websites and web applications. Under the hood, KeystoneJS uses the express.js web server framework, and a MongoDB database via the mongoose object modelling framework.