
Mindful Eating App Mindful Eating App

Overcome your productivity-ruining eating behavior

Elder.js Elder.js

Elder.js is an opinionated static site generator and web framework built with SEO in mind. Elder.js is built on top of Svelte and supports SSR and Static Site Generation, making it a perfect candidate for content driven websites that care about search engine rankings.

LastPass LastPass

LastPass is a freemium password manager that can keep your information private, secure, and hidden. The software store encrypted passwords online, so that you can enjoy unique and hard to crack passwords for each service you use, while providing a single login mechanism. LastPass is available for various web browsers and as applications for your smartphone.

Warply Warply

A mobile marketing toolbox that powers up monetization, loyalty and engagement.

Parallels Desktop Parallels Desktop

With Parallels Desktop you can run several other operating systems on your PC simultaneously. The software provides hardware virtualization for Macintosh computers with Intel processors. With ongoing support for DirectX and OpenGL, many popular games and game engines are supported within Parallels Desktop allowing people using make to make use of Microsoft Windows related products.

Litestream Litestream

With Litestream you can stop building slow, complex, fragile software systems and use SQLite instead. Litestream continuously stream SQLite changes to S3-compatible storage. Allowing developers to build SQLite-powred application that can quickly recover to the point of failure if your server goes down. The Litestream command line also provides several subcommands to help you manage replication & recovery of your databases. This reference provides details about the options available and different modes of operation.

WifiMask VPN WifiMask VPN

Internet privacy & security for Apple devices


GNOME Web or codename: Epiphany is a free and open-source web browser based on the WebKit rendering engine. The web browser is developed openly by the GNOME Project and the community for all Unix-like systems. GNOME Web is the official web browser of the Linux desktop environment GNOME.


KiCad KiCad

KiCad is a free and open-source, cross-platform software suite for electronic design automation. With KiCad it's easy to make professional PCB layouts with up to 32 copper layers. The schematic editor provided by KiCad allows you to create your own design without limits and then inspect and view your work in the 3D viewer through an interactive canvas.

GameMaker Studio GameMaker Studio

Requiring a big budget to create beautiful looking games is now a thing of the past. GameMaker allows developers and game designers to implement AAA game features with ease. Bring your games to life with 2D physics, create a thriving player base with cross-platform network play, and create stunning visual effects using shaders.