Open Source Development & DevOps Software

Prometheus Prometheus

Prometheus is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project for systems and service monitoring. With Prometheus you can collect metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts when specified conditions are observed. Prometheus include features like multi-dimensional data models. PromQL, a powerful and flexible query language to leverage this dimensionality. No dependency on distributed storage. An HTTP pull model for time series collection  and much more.

Cycle.js Cycle.js

Cycle.js is a functional and reactive JavaScript framework used to write predictable code. Cycle’s core abstraction is your application as a pure function main() where inputs are read effects (sources) from the external world and outputs (sinks) are write effects to affect the external world. These I/O effects in the external world are managed by drivers: plugins that handle DOM effects, HTTP effects, etc.

web2py web2py

Web2py is a free and open-source web application framework written Python. With Web2py, developers can build dynamic applications with ease. The framework ships with "batteries included" for fast multi-threaded web server, SQL database and web-based interface. Web2py also ships with a web-based IDE that can be used to manage your application using your browser. A single instance can also run multiple web applications using different databases. Web2py free of charge under the LGPLv3 License.

Hasura Hasura

Hasura is a software development tool that lets you build real-time GraphQL APIs for a PostgreSQL database. The software is free and open source, while enterprise features are provided at a cost. Hasura is perfect for building GraphQL powered microservices and 3factor applications.

Ruby Ruby

Ruby is a free and open-source interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. The language was created by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto from Japan in the mid-1990s. Today, Ruby has a friendly and growing community from all over the world and is openly developed and maintained. According to its creator Yukihiro, the language share many similarities with Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, Basic, and Lisp, all of which Ruby was influenced by.

Vim Vim

Vim dates back all the way to 1991 when Vim's author, Bram Moolenaar released it to the public. Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. The software is released as free and open-source software under the Vim License. Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," as it relies more on customization of shortcuts and makes heavy use of macros that can be combined with muscle memory to achieve maximum proficiency. Vim was designed for use in both command-line interfaces and as a standalone application in a graphical user interface.

Ajenti Ajenti

Anjeti is an server administration tool and control panel for server management. It provides you with a fast and secure way to manage a remote Linux box at any time using everyday tools like a web terminal, text editor, file manager and others.

ISPConfig ISPConfig

With ISPConfig you can manage your servers directly through your web browser. ISPConfig is an open-source panel for Linux-based servers which is capable of managing multiple servers from one unified control panel.


A modern C++ routing engine for shortest paths in road networks.

ClojureScript ClojureScript

ClojureScript is a compiler for Clojure that targets JavaScript. It emits JavaScript code which is compatible with the advanced compilation mode of the Google Closure optimizing compiler. With ClojureScript, you write browser and web-based applications using Clojure and the REPL, allowing you to write the same Lisp syntax that you are used to in the Clojure ecosystem.