Open Source Development & DevOps Software
JungleJS is a free and open-source static site framework for Svelte. JungleJS generates completely static code that doesn't have to be hydrated into a single page application, or SPA.
MoinMoin is a free and open-source, Python-based WikiEngine thate features an extensible core. With MoinMoin you can create self-hosted wikies and informational resource sites. MoinMoin's extensible core allow for plugins to be installed to further extend the capability of the software. Allowing you to install auth plugins for custom authentication, filter plugins for indexing file attachments of different mimetypes, parsers for new input formats formatters to produce different output formats than HTML, themes xmlrpc and CMS solutions.
React is a free an open-source Javascript framework for frontend development. With React you can build powerful, component-based application that supports compilation of JSX, ES6 and auto-prefixed CSS files. The popular framework is developed by Facebook and used by countless of applications across the web and mobile devices to build structured user interfaces or UI components.
Docker Swarm
Docker Swarm is a container orcherstration tool based on Docker. With Docker Swarm you can manage multiple containers deployed across multiple host machines. Current versions of Docker includes swarm mode, which allows you to run Docker Engines as swarms. You can manage your Docker Swarm's with the Docker CLI, to create, deploy and manage your Docker Swarm's.
Express.js is a free and open-source web application framework for Node.js, released as free and open-source software under the MIT License. Express is designed for building fast web applications and APIs. In the Node.js community the Express framework is seen as the defacto standard when it comes to building such applications. The philosophy of the framework is to provide a small and robust toolset for building HTTP servers with JavaScript and Node.js. Express does not force you to use any specific database, ORM or templating language, as it leaves that up to you as a developer, to maximize freedom and choice. Express.js is used by companies and hobby developers alike to build single page JavaScript applications, websites, hybrids and public HTTP APIs.
Neo4j is a commercially provided graph database management system developed by Neo4j, Inc. The graph database is fundamentally different to the relational model found in relational database management systems (RDBMS). With Neo4j, each data record, or node, stores direct pointers to all the nodes it's connected to. The database is also designed to perform complex queries with complex connections orders of magnitude faster. Neo4j is ACID-compliant and suited for projects that requires complicated relationship structures.
Unreal Engine
The Unreal Engine is a game engine and suite of tools and technologies developed by Epic Games. The engine was first released in 1998 as a part of the first-person shooter game Unreal, where the game itself was built on the engine. Today the Unreal Engine has grown into an ecosystem that includes a marketplace for game assets that can help indie developer to develop games and make a living selling game assets them selves. The Unreal Engine is free to use and provides a revenue-share model for developers and has been used to tipple A studios and indie developers to create games in almost every genre, including platformers, fighting games,RPGs, MMORPGs, and many more.
Seed is a frontend Rust framework for creating fast and reliable web apps with an elm-like architecture. Seed provides all the benefits of Rust and macro based syntax, with a minimal overhead, configuration, and boilerplate. The framework is easy to pickup thanks to the clear documentation which is accessible to developers whether they are familiarity with Rust, or not.
HubPress is a free and open-source static site generator written in JavaScript, powered by Vue.js, Asciidoctor and GitHub. All you need to create a static site with HubPress is a free GitHub account, no servers or subscriotion fees. To setup HubPress you simply fork the repository, update the config file and you are ready to start your blog. HubPress uses the free hosting provided by GitHub Pages to achive zero hosting cost.