Commercial Development & DevOps Software
NodeBB is an open source forum software powered by Node.js and supports either Redis, MongoDB, or a PostgreSQL database. With NodeBB you can self-host communities with instant interactions and real-time notifications powered with the help of web sockets. Thousands of organizations have also stared their communites with NodeBB SaaS product, free from self-service and maintinance.
Crazy Egg
Crazy Egg is a website optimization tool that allow you to monitor your users with heatmaps, scrollmaps, click reports and A/B testing. With Crazy Egg you can know with certainty you picked the correct content placement, color, image, or copy. While heatmaps and session reccordings provide valuble insight into your users behaviour, allowing you to improve the architecture of your website to accomodate visitors better.
Neo4j is a commercially provided graph database management system developed by Neo4j, Inc. The graph database is fundamentally different to the relational model found in relational database management systems (RDBMS). With Neo4j, each data record, or node, stores direct pointers to all the nodes it's connected to. The database is also designed to perform complex queries with complex connections orders of magnitude faster. Neo4j is ACID-compliant and suited for projects that requires complicated relationship structures.
Bluehost - Bluehost is one of the largest and most trusted web hosting services powering millions of websites. Join Bluehost now and get a FREE domain name!
Hotjar is a powerful tool that reveals the online behavior and voice of your users. By combining both Analysis and Feedback tools, Hotjar gives you the big picture of how to improve your site's user experience and performance/conversion rates. Through heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys you can monitor user behavior and improve your site or application accordingly. With HotJar you can gain valuable insight that traditional web analytics tool are not capable of.
Opsgenie is an alerting and incident response tool developed by Atlassian. With Opsgenie you and your team will never miss a critical alert, restore the service, and fix the underlying issue. Opsgenie is used by development team across the globe to identify and fix issues that are mission critical to applications and services.
Plotly provides a frontend for data visualization used for machine learning and data science models. With Ploty you can
DigitalOcean Spaces
DigitalOcean Spaces is an S3-compatible object storage with a built-in CDN that makes scaling easy, reliable, and affordable. With DigitalOcean Spaces you can easily store and deliver vast amounts of content for your web application or software.
With Verge3D you can add a third dimension to your online presence. Verge3D is a real-time renderer and a toolkit used for creating interactive 3D experiences running on websites. The software is used in a wide range of online products and pages to boost sales with 3D product configuration, e-Learning and interactive guides and immersive experience that promotes projects.
Google Cloud Storage
Google Cloud Storage is an object storage solution provided by Google as a part of their Google Cloud Platform offering. With Google Cloud Storage you can host your files in 24 regions and over 140 locations across the globe.