Development & DevOps Software for JavaScript is a front-end package manager that aims to make the web 90% faster by using ES module syntax (ESM). With youi can find modern, web-ready packages on npm and deliver them as smaller JavaScript bundles.

TypeScript TypeScript

TypeScript is a free and open-source programming language created by Microsoft. The language is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript and redefines the way developer writes JavaScript-based web applications and software by adding optional static typing in the mix. TypeScript is designed specifically for development of large-scale applications with a need to transcompile into JavaScript.

Deployd Deployd

Deployd is a free and open-source web development tool for Node.js that makes building APIs simple by providing important ready-made functionality out-of-the-box. Features provided by Deployd can demands of complex applications and can be further customized with JavaScript Events.

Vue.js Vue.js

Vue.js is a free and open-source intuitive and composable MVVM framework for building interactive UIs with JavaScript. The library was first created and released by Evan You back in 2014, and saw a meteoric rise in the open-souce community. Possibly due to the accessible nature of the project and the library itself. With Vue.js you can get started by simply importing the script via CDN, and start building. Today, Vue.js is used in a multitude of web applications and powers interactive interfaces for people to enjoy across the globe.

Polymer Polymer

Polymer is an open-source JavaScript library for building web applications using Web Components.

Create React App Create React App

With Create React App it's easy to setup structured React applications that is the perfect stating point for building an SPA. Under the hood, we use webpack, Babel, ESLint, and other prominent projects to power your application. All these tools allow you to focus on your code and bussiness objective, rather then build tools and configuration. The Create React App sets up a development environment with the latest JavaScript features that provides a solid developer experience, while at the same time optimizing your application for production.

Vite.js Vite.js

Vite provides next generation tooling for frontend JavaScript development. It allows users to enjoy an instant server start with on demand file serving over native ESM, without required bundling. This allows Vite to be extremely fast when compare to traditionally bundled solutions like Webpack, Yarn and Rollup. Vite also provides lightning fast HMR (Hot Module Reload) that remains performant regardless of application or project size.

GraphQL GraphQL

A free and open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, combined with a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. GraphQL makes it easy to understand and query your data and bridge the gap between frontend and backend web development. The project is openly developed by Facebook, and community around it.