Commercial Software

Aero Aero

Aero is redefining air travel by providing the next generation of first class, direct, premium flights via private terminals.

Gitalytics Gitalytics

Gitalytics is a platform that empower teams to learn more about their code, improve their process, and ultimately optimize their workflow. With Gigalytics, devlopers and engineering teams can visualize meaningful workflow data.

Kit Kit

Kit was built to make easy, preventative health testing available to every industry. Through at-home testing kits, Kit allow organizations to deliver a safe, reliable, and secure alternative to in-person testing.

Collective Collective

Collective is an online, back-office platform for the self-employed people. Collective offers assistance with setting up payroll, bookkeeping, taxes, and more, helping solopreneurs take advantage of the massive tax savings associated with S corps.

Haus Haus

Haus provides an entirely new way to navigate the real estate process and make home ownership more affordable. With Haus you can manage your equity and track your home value, right from your personalized dashboard.

Mos Mos

Mos is a one-stop-shop for financial aid. With Mos, you can apply to all government aid, institutional aid, grants and scholarships at once. Every dollar financial aid you qualify for throug Mos will be entitled to you.

CrewScale CrewScale

CrewScale is focusing on creating an ecosystem that enables companies to find vetted, curated tech talent. Powered by the CrewScale platform that takes care of the engagement, on-boarding, and management process. The handpicked talent pool and the rigorous testing through 100+ skill tests and project-based assessments ensure that our talent not only has the technical skills but cognitive abilities and specific domain expertise.

ThingSpeak ThingSpeak

ThingSpeak is an IoT analytics platform service that allows you to aggregate, visualize, and analyze live data streams in the cloud. With ThingSpeak you can manage connected devices, services and companies. You can send data to ThingSpeak from your devices, create instant visualization of live data, and send alerts. All data is avalible in the cloud and can be used for analysis and visualization, alerts, online scheduling, inter-device communication, and data triggers.

Icecream Screen Recorder Icecream Screen Recorder

Discover the simplicity of the powerful, free Screen Recorder by Icecream App.