Software for Self-Hosted

ArchiveBox ArchiveBox

ArchiveBox is a free and open source, self-hosted web archive. With ArchiveBox, you can takes a list of URLs that you want to archive, and creates a local, static, browsable HTML clone of the content from those websites. ArchiveBox supports archiving of HTML, JavaScript, PDF, images and other media files.

StackStorm StackStorm

StackStorm is an event driven automation platform that can be used for auto remediation, security event handling and infrastructure automation. Connect third-party applications with your stack to eliminate repetitive tasks and automate important events. StackStorm allows you to create if/then rules for complex workflows for DevOps and popular third-party services.

Hexo Hexo

A fast, simple & powerful blog framework and static site generator powered by Node.js. With Hexo, you can quicly build static websites and blogs that generates at an increaible speed. Hexo generates hundreds of files per seconds and quickly builds and push your website to deployment, with a single command. You can have your site up and running in minutes on well known hosts and platforms like GitHub Pages, Heroku, Digital Ocean and other platforms. The framework support all features of  GitHub Flavored Markdown and most Octopress plugins by default. Hexo is released free and open-source under the MIT License.

KeystoneJS KeystoneJS

KeystoneJS is an open source JavaScript & Node.js framework that make build database-driven websites and web applications. Under the hood, KeystoneJS uses the express.js web server framework, and a MongoDB database via the mongoose object modelling framework.

PostGraphile PostGraphile

PostGraphile (previously known as PostGraphQL) is a free an open-source software project that lets you spin up GraphQL APIs on top of an existing PostgreSQL database, instantly. PostGraphile automatically detects tables, columns, indexes, relationships, views, types, functions and comments in your database. Based on that information it generates a GraphQL server and API which is automatically updated when changes are made to the database or its data.

UIkit UIkit

UIkit A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.


CakePHP is a free and open source web framework for the programming language PHP. With CakePHP you can with ease, develop, deploy and maintain web applcations. CakePHP provides a sound structure that allow you to create organized applications that can scale and adapt as your project grows. Out of the box, CakePHP provides features like bake script, a rich query API, short RL syntax, database support for MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle and more. It also includes features that make you app easier to develop such as automatic code generation, database migrations, fast and flexible templating language, and localization.

Simple Machines Forum Simple Machines Forum

Simple Machines Forum or SMF in short is a free and open-source forum software. SMF can be used to build your own online community that you self-host on a host of your choice. Simple Machines Forum comes packed with features for customization, extension and management of your community. The template engine puts you in control of the design of your community. The plugin architecture makes it easy to extend and provide further feautres though third-party built packages. 


HTTPie is a command-line HTTP client that makes it easy to interact and work with RESTful APIs. The CLI provided by HTTPie is designed to be as human-friendly as possible and is loved by developers creating services for the web. HTTPie can be used for testing, debugging, and generally interacting with  any API and HTTP server.