Software for Self-Hosted

OptinMonster OptinMonster

OptinMonster is a powerful lead generation software for websites that want to increase leads to email lists and marketing campaigns. The software is available as a WordPress plugin but is also provided as a SaaS that can be used by any type of website. OptinMonster is used by over 1 million marketing agencies, bloggers, eCommerce websites, and small business websites world-wide.

Sinatra Sinatra

Sinatra is a free and open source DSL library for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort. Sinatra is loved by many due to its simplicity and ease-of-user. For Ruby developers, Sinatra is an alternative to web application frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Merb, Nitro, and Camping.

SEOPress SEOPress

With SEOPress you can manage all your search engine optimization needs for your WordPress-powered website. SEOPress is a powerful, freemium SEO plugin for WordPress that can help you boost your organic traffic. In SEOPress feature-set you find tools for improve social sharing, build custom HTML and XML Sitemaps, create optimized breadcrumbs, add schemas and structured data for Google and tools for managing 301 redirects.

Lasso Lasso

Lasso is a WordPress plugin designed for affiliate marketing. With Lasso you can improve the revenue earned per visitor. Lasso provides plenty of tools, including Custom Link Displays, Affiliate Opportunities Dashboard, Affiliate Dashboard,  Amazon Integration, Link Cloaking, Link Groups, Click Tracking, and Link Alerts. All featured in a neat UI that is intuetive and easy to use.

Tornado Tornado

A free and open-source web framework and asynchronous networking library written in Python. Tornado was originally developed at FriendFeed, and is using a non-blocking network I/O that can be used to scale applications to tens of thousands of concurrent connection. Tornado is a great framework for applications that require long-lived connections between users, and for WebSockets or long polling.

n8n n8n

n8n is a free and open node-based Workflow Automation Tool. n8n can be self-hosted, while also being provided as a managed sulotion at The software can easily be extended and integrated with popular third-party services such as Github, Slack and many more.

CMS Commander CMS Commander

With CMS Commander you can manage multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard in order to save...

OpenStack OpenStack

OpenStack is an IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) and cloud computing platform developed by the OpenStack Foundation. The project was first started in 2010 as a joint venture by Rackspace Hosting and NASA. OpenStack both free and open-source and allows you to create public or private clouds with distributed virtual servers. The OpenStack dashboard can be used by administrators of the cloud to empower user, provision resources and track the overall health of the network and infrastructure.

PeepSo PeepSo

A next generation user profile and social networking plugin for WordPress. PeepSo allows you to quickly and effortlessly create a social network and online community with you WordPress-powered site. The foundation of PeepSo is 100% free and gives you the basics to create a functional community. For more advanced features, there is a extensions ecosystem for both free and premium plugins that can be used to add more functionality and features to your site.

Algolia Algolia

Algolia is a hosted search engine capable of delivering real-time results from the first keystroke. Algolia provides developers with a powerful API that can be used to quickly and seamlessly implement search within your websites, mobile, and voice applications. Their goal is to provide development teams with the building blocks to create a fast, relevant search experience.