Open Source Education Software

Zim Zim

Zim is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. Each page can contain links to other pages, simple formatting and images. Pages are stored in a folder structure, like in an outliner, and can have attachments. Creating a new page is as easy as linking to a nonexistent page.

Openki Openki

Openki is an interactive web-platform under development with the ambition to facilitate a barrier-free access to education for everyone. The platform facilitates the organization of peer-to-peer courses.

ReadTheDocs ReadTheDocs

ReadTheDocs is a huge resource that millions of developers rely on for software documentation. With ReadtheDocs it simple to create documentation for your development project that will be hosted free, forever. ReadTheDocs integrates with your favorite version control system, be it Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, or Subversion. Allowing you to push documentation along with project updates through your CI/CD pipeline.

Monkeytype Monkeytype

Monkeytype provides you with a minimalistic typing test, featuring many test modes, an account system to save your typing speed history and user configurable features like themes, a smooth caret and more. The free and open-source tool features leader boards and a community that thrives on the idea of typing fast. By default, the tool uses the most common 200 words in the english language to generate its tests. However, it allow you to configure the settings to challenge you further, and improve in areas where your typing lacks.

MkDocs MkDocs

MkDocs is a fast, simple and open-source static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation for software projects. With MkDocs it's easy to setup documentation with source files that are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. When it is time to host your documentation, MkDocs builds completely static HTML sites for GitHub pages, Amazon S3 or a hosting provider of your choice.

Wiki.js Wiki.js

With Wiki.js you can run a blazing fast Wiki built with performance in mind. Wiki.js is an extensible, free and open source Wiki software written in JavaScript. Wiki.js brings a modern approach to documentation and Wiki writing, it provides a simple to use WYSIWYG editor, a Markdown editor and a visual builder to please all types of workflows. All content moderation is also tracked on a Wiki.js-powered site, which means that you can an revert to a previous state or recover a deleted page at any time and get a broad overview of content evolution. Allowing you to visually compare two versions of the same page to see exactly what changed. Wiki.js runs on virtually any platform and is compatible with either PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL Server or SQLite.

Docusaurus Docusaurus

Docusaurus makes it easy to maintain open source documentation websites. With Docusaurus you can wriet docummentation and blog posts using Markdown and save time when doing so. Docusaurs automatically publish your files as static html files ready to serve on the web.

BookStack BookStack

BookStack is a free and open-source, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for documenting, organizing and storing information. BookStack is written in PHP, on-top of the Laravel Framework and can be hosted on most web hosting platforms, VPSs and cloud instances. The software is configurable and allow you to setup BookStack for your particular user case. It allows you to change, the name, logo, theme and registration options. It also provides a page editor with a simple WYSIWYG interface that can be used to edit content by anyone. BookStack is developed as a truly free and open software and is released under the MIT license.

Docz Docz

Docz is a free and open source documentation software that makes it easy to write and publish beautiful interactive documentation for your code. It allows you to create markdown files showcasing your code and Docz turns them into a live-reloading, production-ready site. Docz is powered by GatsbyJS and is highly optimized for fast build times and end-user perfomance, while also allowing you toleverage GatsbyJS's huge ecosystem of plugins and tools. The software is written in TypeScript and Docz provides native TypeScript support for TSX components and can generate documentation from your prop types and comments in your code.

TiddlyWiki TiddlyWiki

TiddlyWiki is a personal wiki and a non-linear notebook that provides an interactive way to manipulate and structure data for web consumption. The free and open source application is written as an SPA (Single Page Application) with JavaScript by Jermolene. TiddlyWiki is designed from the ground up to easy to customize and re-shape depending on your use-case, while also providing tools that can be used to split up and reuse content.