Software for iOS

Instapaper Instapaper

Instapaper is a bookmarking service that allows web content to be saved so it can be consumed later, on a different device, such as an e-reader, smartphone, or tablet. Every article saved with Instapaper is automatically reformatted to remove excessive formatting and make the content more readable. The service was founded in 2008 by Marco Arment and is today used by over 2 million people.

Apple Podcasts Apple Podcasts

Discover, subscribe and play amazing podcasts with Apple Podcasts.

Spotify Spotify

Spotify is the worlds most popular social music streaming service and platform for artists. With Spotify you can browse music by artist, album, genre, playlist, or record label and create your own playlists that can be shared with friends and the world. The application is available on most major platforms and provides both both a free ad supported and paid premium subscription. The whole music library at Spotify is available with each subscription.

Facebook Gaming Facebook Gaming

With Facebook Gaming you watch live video game streams from popular creators on Facebook. Facebook Gaming is a community of players, streamers and viewers on the Facebook platform.

Airsite Airsite

With Airsite you can create landing pages for yourself or your business, on your mobile phone. Airsite can be used on your Android or iOS devices and allow your to build your next page without any programming or web design skills.

Hopper Hopper

Hopper predicts future prices and help you book flights and hotels at the right time, saving you up to 40%. With 95% accuracy Hopper preditcs prices up to 1 year in advance. In total, Hopper has helped 30 million travelers book trips around the world, saving them more than $1.8 billion to date.

Calendify Calendify

Calendify is a calendar community where you can share, publish and subscribe to event calendars.

HideMyAss! HideMyAss!

Browse safely, privately, and access content worldwide with HideMyAss!, it works on PC, Mac, Android, iOS, Linux & routers. 

ProtoPie ProtoPie

With ProtoPie you and your team can effortlessly create interactive prototypes using our unique conceptual model. ProtoPie is a design tool used to turn your UI/UX design ideas into highly interactive prototypes for mobile, desktop, web, all the way to IoT. Easily create any inteaction using a Object + Trigger + Response model. Aftwards you can explore, validate, and test design ideas by creating very realistic, production-like prototypes without code.