Free Software


PyroCMS is a free and open-source Content Management System written in PHP on top the web development framework Laravel.

Drupal Drupal

Drupal is a free and open-source CMS written in PHP. Drupal is used for creating website for businesses, political parties and governments. The CMS currently powers 2% of all websites on the internet.

Pangea CMS Pangea CMS

Pangea CMS is a powerful content management system designed for journalists. Pangea CMS provides a platform for quality and balanced journalism in 57 languages across 200 countries and territories around the world.

Batflat Batflat

Batflat is fast, database-less CMS written in PHP. Batflat weighs in on 1024 kilobytes and it has all features you have come to enjoy from other content management systems like WordPress. You can also download or create your own extensions for Batflat, allowing you to build features on top of the core and create unique experiences for the end-user.

Hugo Hugo

Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo makes building websites fun again. Hugo is the fastest tool of its kind, it generates pages at <1 ms per page, the average site builds in less than a second. Hugo also supports unlimited content types, taxonomies, menus, dynamic API-driven content, and more, all without plugins. Hugo is written in Go and released fully free and open-source under the Apache-2.0 License.

Superdesk Superdesk

Superdesk is a state-of-the-art digital newsroom system that combines headless CMS functionality with powerful workflow features for an end-to-end news creation, production, curation and distribution platform. With Superdesk you can create and distribute content to any platform. All within a web-based dashboard that share many similarities with a regular newsroom, while providing remote-friendly workflows that will make journalist feel right at home.


WP-CRM provides a unique customer relations management system that seamlessly integrated into your WordPress control panel. With WP-CRM you can easily manage and store your customers and prospects’ information in your WordPress administrantion panel and MySQL database, giving you the ability of utilizing the vast pool of WordPress plugins to collect, analyze and work with user information.


HTMLy is an open source databaseless blogging platform. A Flat-File Blog and Flat-File CMS written in PHP prioritizes simplicity and speed.

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a free and open-source content management system and Wiki software. Tiki has been downloaded over a million times by businesses, governments, non-profits and individuals worldwide to take advantage of its flexibility and customizability to deliver a broad range of web applications and wikis.


Hosted CRM solution providing an intuitive interface and Outlook integration.