Open Source Software

Tauri Tauri

Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend using Tauri.


LMMS is a free and open-source digital audio workstation available for Linux, macOS and Windows. The software was first release as Linux MultiMedia Studio back in 2004. Since then LMMS has evolved to support more platforms include macOS and Windows. LMMS can be used to compose, mix and sequence music in a simple and intuetive interface while also providing MIDI or keyboard support.

Docker Docker

Docker is an open-source platform that automates deployment and development life cycles with OS-level virtualization. These virtualization are called containers and contain application specific operating system, software and configurations that are built on deployment. Containers are encapsulated and work across systems, be it in local development or on production servers, they run anywhere. Docker provides a Community Edition (CE) and an Enterprise Edition (EE) and can be used for personal and enterprise level projects alike.

Ricochet Ricochet

Ricochet is a communications application that uses the Tor network to reach your contacts without relying on messaging servers. It creates a hidden service, which is used to rendezvous with your contacts without revealing your location or IP address. Instead of a username, you get a unique address that looks like ricochet:rs7ce36jsj24ogfw.

Libera Chat Libera Chat

Libera Chat is a next-generation IRC network that is free and open source, developed by similarly-spirited collaborative endeavours. Libera.Chat’s services are provided by Libera Chat, a Swedish non-profit organisation. While being operated by volunteers from all over the world.

JungleJS JungleJS

JungleJS is a free and open-source static site framework for Svelte. JungleJS generates completely static code that doesn't have to be hydrated into a single page application, or SPA.

HubPress HubPress

HubPress is a free and open-source static site generator written in JavaScript, powered by Vue.js, Asciidoctor and GitHub. All you need to create a static site with HubPress is a free GitHub account, no servers or subscriotion fees. To setup HubPress you simply fork the repository, update the config file and you are ready to start your blog. HubPress uses the free hosting provided by GitHub Pages to achive zero hosting cost.

With Smithy you can build WebAssembly applications written in Rust. is a web framework that makes it easy to write web applications using idiomatic Rust.

ZeroNet ZeroNet

ZeroNet is a decentralized web-like network of peer-to-peer users. It's basically BitTorrent thrown at the problem of web hosting and networking. With ZeroNet you can create open, free and uncensorable websites using cryptograic features of Bitcoin. ZeroNet uses .bit domain names and a decentralized domain regestry using Namecoin.

phpBB phpBB

One of the world most popular, free, open-source and self-hosted forum software, written in PHP. With phpBB you can create communities that can be hosted with most hosting providers. The software package is built and designed from the ground up to to be extensible and provides customization option through themes and feature extensions through plugins. The extensive database of user-created extensions and styles database, easy of use, and the simple installation process has made phpBB a common choice among self-hosted forums and communities.