Free Software

QuestDB QuestDB

QuestDB is a relational column-oriented time series database designed for real-time analytics on time series and event data. It uses the SQL language and include extensions for time series data. QuestDB is released as free and open source software and distributed as a single binary including a trimmed version of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) weighing in at only 24.5 MB.

Cevelop Cevelop

Cevelop is an integrated development environment specifically designed for writing C++. Cevelop offers a variety of tools to keep your code up-to-date with the latest ISO C++ Standard. It can perform a variety of static code analyses to find bugs and improved your code. Cevelop extends Eclipse CDT with many additional features: CUTE unit testing with Test Driven Development support, new refactorings and quick fixes, and much more.

Virtualmin Virtualmin

Virtualmin is a powerful and flexible web hosting control panel for Linux and BSD systems. Virtualmin provides a cost-effective and comprehensive solution to virtual web hosting management. Virtualmin is avalible as a commnuity-supported version, while a commercial option includes premium support and more features. Currently, over 100,000 people and organizations use Virtualmin globally.

CamStudio CamStudio

CamStudio is a free and open-source screen capturing software for Windows. With CamStudio you can record video from your computer screen and save it with the .avi file extension, which is supported by most video players and video editing software. CamStudio also allow you to add subtitles and screen captions or video annotations to your recordings through anti-aliased images. All recordings made with CamStudio are captured with a lossless codec that produces crystal clear results with a much smaller filesize. CamStudio is used by creators who wan't a free, capable alternative to commercial screen capturing software.

Librevault Librevault

Librevault allows you to transfer data directly from one device to another, securely. Librevault is a free and open-source peer-to-peer file synchronization software, designed with convenience. privacy and security in mind. The software encrypts all data with AES-256 and uses TLS for all transmissions. Their goal is to make a better alternative to BitTorrent Sync and Syncthing.

pgweb pgweb

Web-based PostgreSQL database browser written in Go. Pgweb is a web-based database browser for PostgreSQL, written in Go and works on OSX, Linux and Windows machines.


IHP is a batteries-included web framework optimized for long-term productivity and programmer happiness. IHP is written in Haskell and allow you to build web applications using functional programming with an incredible type system. IHP provides a unique take on web applications building and provides a GUI which makes creating database tables, running migrations and generating MVC scaffolding even easier.