Network Management Software
Proxifier is an advanced proxy client that allow network applications that do not support working through proxy servers to operate through a SOCKS or HTTPS proxy and chains. The client provides features for redirecting connections of any internet application, control access for large corporate networks, improvment of connections by routing internet traffic through faster routes, and lightweight and flexible alternative to VPN that can tunnel your connections through encrypted channels.
Docker Swarm
Docker Swarm is a container orcherstration tool based on Docker. With Docker Swarm you can manage multiple containers deployed across multiple host machines. Current versions of Docker includes swarm mode, which allows you to run Docker Engines as swarms. You can manage your Docker Swarm's with the Docker CLI, to create, deploy and manage your Docker Swarm's.
Pingdom is a web-based tool for monitoring website performance and availability. Their service is used by over 30,000+ users including startups and 60% of the Fortune 500 companies. Pingdom can help digital marketers understand the impact performance has on reach and sales, or web developers and devops teams to identify bottlenecks and monitor impact of their latest push to production.
Apache CloudStack
Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. CloudStack is used by a number of service providers to offer public cloud services, and by many companies to provide an on-premises (private) cloud offering, or as part of a hybrid cloud solution.
K3s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution by Rancher Labs intended for IoT, Edge, and cloud deployments.
Bluehost - Bluehost is one of the largest and most trusted web hosting services powering millions of websites. Join Bluehost now and get a FREE domain name!
Docker is an open-source platform that automates deployment and development life cycles with OS-level virtualization. These virtualization are called containers and contain application specific operating system, software and configurations that are built on deployment. Containers are encapsulated and work across systems, be it in local development or on production servers, they run anywhere. Docker provides a Community Edition (CE) and an Enterprise Edition (EE) and can be used for personal and enterprise level projects alike.
Alibaba Object Storage Service
Alibaba Object Storage Service is an encrypted and secure cloud storage service which stores, processes and accesses massive amounts of data
Google Cloud Storage
Google Cloud Storage is an object storage solution provided by Google as a part of their Google Cloud Platform offering. With Google Cloud Storage you can host your files in 24 regions and over 140 locations across the globe.
DigitalOcean Spaces
DigitalOcean Spaces is an S3-compatible object storage with a built-in CDN that makes scaling easy, reliable, and affordable. With DigitalOcean Spaces you can easily store and deliver vast amounts of content for your web application or software.