Open Source Software for Self-Hosted

OpenFaaS OpenFaaS

OpenFaaS makes it simple to deploy both functions and existing code to Kubernetes. With OpenFaaS developers can deploy their applications and serveless functions to their very own scalable, fault-tolerant event-driven serverless platform powered by Docker and Kubernetes.

Sapper Sapper

Sapper is a free and open source application framework for Svelte. With Sapper developers can build server-side rendered applications that does not compromise on SEO, load times or progressive enhancement. Your Sapper app will handle navigation instantaneously, much like any other SPA.

web2py web2py

Web2py is a free and open-source web application framework written Python. With Web2py, developers can build dynamic applications with ease. The framework ships with "batteries included" for fast multi-threaded web server, SQL database and web-based interface. Web2py also ships with a web-based IDE that can be used to manage your application using your browser. A single instance can also run multiple web applications using different databases. Web2py free of charge under the LGPLv3 License.

Swarmlet Swarmlet

Swarmlet is a free and open-source, self-hosted Platform as a Service that runs on any single server. It's mainly intended for use with multiple servers, a server cluster / swarm. Swarmlet is inspired by Dokku and brings the same simplicity to Docker Swarm. Swarmlet also uses Traefik v2 and Let's Encrypt to provide automatic SSL and load balancing on your apps.

Falcon Falcon

The Falcon Web Framework is a free and open-source application framework written in Python.

Hasura Hasura

Hasura is a software development tool that lets you build real-time GraphQL APIs for a PostgreSQL database. The software is free and open source, while enterprise features are provided at a cost. Hasura is perfect for building GraphQL powered microservices and 3factor applications.

ClojureScript ClojureScript

ClojureScript is a compiler for Clojure that targets JavaScript. It emits JavaScript code which is compatible with the advanced compilation mode of the Google Closure optimizing compiler. With ClojureScript, you write browser and web-based applications using Clojure and the REPL, allowing you to write the same Lisp syntax that you are used to in the Clojure ecosystem.

Ember.js Ember.js

Ember.js is a productive, battle-tested JavaScript framework for building modern web applications. It includes everything you need to build rich UIs that work on any device. With Ember.js you can create client side JavaScript applications with a complete solution which contains data management and an application flow. Ember.js is developed and released as free and open source software under the MIT License.

Vue Native Vue Native

With Vue Native you can build iOS and Android application utilizing the Vue JavaScript framework. Vue Native provides a cross-platform UI library that makes it easy to create quality app that can be bundled and released for mobile devices. The framework can act as an ideal starterkit providing all the necessary UI elements for your next Vue-powered mobile project.

Drupal Commerce Drupal Commerce

Drupal Commerce is a free and open-source eCommerce module for Drupal. With Drupal Commerce, people can start selling products from their Drupal-powered websites by simply installing and configuring the module. Drupal Commerce provides extra extensions that can be used to further improve and extend on the features of the module.