Open Source Software for Self-Hosted
Socket.IO is a free and open-source JavaScript library that can be used for building realtime web applications. The library consists of two parts, a server-side library for Node.js and a client-side library that runs in the browser.
Django Filter
Django Filter is a generic, reusable application for the Python-based web framework Django. Django Filter simplifies the process of wiring managaing query parameters and filtering of Django models. With Django Filter you can let users of your application filter content based on model field and present them through the use of query parameters.
Exatorrent is a self-hosted, open-source BitTorrent Client written in Go. It can be run locally or be hosted in Remote Server with good resources to use that Server as SeedBox. It is Single Completely Statically Linked Binary with Zero External Dependencies .
Mattermost is an open-source, self-hostable enterprise team collaboration and messaging application. The software can be deployed to on-premis or to cloud instances. Mattermost is designed for internal use within organizations and businesses in financial services, government, healthcare, remote work, and enterprise DevOps, where teams use Mattermost to power collaboration at every stage of the DevOps lifecycle.
NetBox is an open source web application designed to help manage and document computer networks. Initially conceived by the network engineering team at DigitalOcean, NetBox was developed specifically to address the needs of network and infrastructure engineers. It encompasses the following aspects of network management:
NextGEN Gallery
With NextGEN Gallery people can manage images and display them in a gallery for their WordPress-powered website. NextGEN Gallery is a free and open-source image management plugin specifically built for WordPress. The package has been downloaded over 15 million times and is one of the most saugt after free and open image gallery plugin for WordPress.
Foam is a free and open-source, personal knowledge management and sharing system for Visual Studio Code and GitHub. The project takes inspiration from the Roam Research app. With Foam you can organize research, writing long-form content discover old notes and if you please, publish it all to the web.
OpenRPC is a specification that defines a standard, programming language-agnostic interface description for JSON-RPC 2.0 APIs.
Web.go is a free and open-source web framework for the programming language Go.