Free Software

Ramda.js Ramda.js

Javascript Utilities & Libraries, Backend Development, and Frontend Development

kute.js kute.js

JavaScript Animation Engine with top performance and tons of features.

Velocity.js Velocity.js

Velocity is a JavaScipt animation engine.

particles.js particles.js

A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles.

Lozad.js Lozad.js

Highly performant lazy loader in pure JS

CreateJS CreateJS

CreateJS is a suite of JavaScript libraries and tools for building rich interactive content on open web technologies via HTML. The libraries and tools provided in the suite are modular and work well together and independently. CreateJS is interoperable with all modern desktop and mobile browsers, and have been thoroughly tested to achieve performance and reliability.

Apache Tiles Apache Tiles

Apache Tiles is an open-sourced templating framework for modern Java applications.

Apache Sentry Apache Sentry

Risk-based Authentication

Zuck.js Zuck.js

JavaScript library that lets you add Stories everywhere

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