Pay What You Want Software for Android

Fix-My Speaker Fix-My Speaker

Fix My Speaker is a free tool that helps eject water and dust from your phone's speakers. The tool uses sound wave vibrations at specific frequencies to effectively push out unwanted particles from the speaker and restore clear audio quality.

ZenFire ZenFire

ZenFire is a modern fire safety software designed to streamline fire inspections, risk assessments, and compliance management. Built with user-friendly interfaces, it empowers fire safety professionals to conduct thorough inspections, create customized checklists, and generate detailed reports—all in real-time. The software supports mobile compatibility, allowing inspectors to perform on-site inspections using tablets or smartphones, capturing data, images, and notes seamlessly. Its automated reporting features ensure that all findings are accurately documented and easily shared with stakeholders. ZenFire also offers robust data management, with a central database to store inspection records, track trends, and monitor compliance. This helps building managers and property owners stay ahead of potential safety issues and meet regulatory requirements. With integration capabilities, ZenFire can connect with other building management systems, promoting a holistic approach to safety and maintenance. Its customizable notifications and scheduling tools keep inspections on track, contributing to a safer, more compliant environment.

Field Force Automation Field Force Automation

Field Force Automation is an important integral part of the management system. Happisales' field Assist app offers the company a great opportunity to achieve a competitive edge in the areas of scheduling, back office management, and a streamlined operation. Our Software allows the companies to automate their workflows.

Uber for Medicine Uber for Medicine

Most of the things have been changed due to the on demand services available in the online marketplace. From food to grocery, to cab, clothing and many more things that are now at the fingertip of the individual or user. The user can get the service at their comfort zone from their home. Among the different services, Uber for Medicine is one of the outstanding concepts that has emerged in an online marketplace. As an entrepreneur one can have a good start with Uber for Medicine. Using Uber for medicine apps, users can purchase medicine online with an ease and comfort zone by staying at home. Whether an individual is sick, old or in any condition one can get the medicine online using uber for medicine. For a startup to start a business like delivering medicine online, one can have an uber for medicine for the startup. Using this application, it gives an opportunity for startups to generate revenue for their business.