Free Software for Python
Matplotlib is a free and open-source data visualization library for Python. With Matplotlib you can vizualize data in plots, charts, histograms and much more.
Lona is a Python-based web application framework, designed to write responsive web applications. With Lona you can write interactive applications without JavaScript.
Pyramid is a web framework written in Python that makes it easy to write applications for the web. With Pyramid, you can start small and finish big. Pyramid offers many features suited for writing both simple and complex software, while providing clear structure as your application grows. Since 1995, the Pyramid team has stayed devoted to professional craftmenship with a deep commitment to quality, which is seen throughout the Pyramid framework and the developer experience and workflow it provide for developers. Pyramid is released free and open-source under the Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 2.1.
A free and open-source web framework and asynchronous networking library written in Python. Tornado was originally developed at FriendFeed, and is using a non-blocking network I/O that can be used to scale applications to tens of thousands of concurrent connection. Tornado is a great framework for applications that require long-lived connections between users, and for WebSockets or long polling.
Django Rest Framework
Django REST Framework is a free and open-source, powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs with the Python framework, Django. With Django REST Framework it easy to create full-fledged REST APIs that follows the Django design pattern with models, views and urls. It comes with authentication policies including packages for OAuth1a and OAuth2 and a pre-built browsable API, much like Swagger.
Dark Star
Dark Star is a web framework that provides filesystem routing for Starlette and first-class support for server-side rendering. The web framework's routes are defined by their filesystem path and both the route's backend code and template are contained in the first page. Dark Star aims to provide an easy way to create web applications using the HATEOAS and HDA philosophies favoured by htmx. It also aims to reduce the boilerplate code normally needed when creating web apps. In particular, it looks to reduce the need of having a separate files for view functions and templates. It tries to embrace Locality of Behaviour by putting the view function code and template in the same file, and having the file's path be the route used by Starlette to access the code.
Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool. With Ansible you can streamline your deployment process, allowing you to roll out enterprise scale applications with the bush of a button or a command via the terminal. Ansible itself is written in Python and has a minimal learning curve, allowing you to build simple setup procedures that can manage all of your CI/CD needs.
Pyodide is a scientific Python stack that compiles to WebAssembly allowing you to run the Python 3.8 runtime to the browser via WebAssembly. With Pyodide you can run popular libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, SciPy, and scikit-learn in any modern browser.
Django Ninja
Django Ninja is a free and open source web framework for building REST APIs with Django and Python 3.6+ based type hints. It shares many similarities with FastAPI, another popular Python framework for building APIs. Django Ninja now brings the same methodology to Django users wanting to build modern APIs using OpenAPI (Swagger) standards and JSON schema. It integrates well with the Django ORM and the ecosystem of third-party Django applications. Already the framework is used by multiple companies with live projects.
Numericalunits is a Python package that lets you define quantities with units, which can then be used in almost any numerical calculation in any programming language. It provides a complete set of independent base units (meters, kilograms, seconds, coulombs, kelvins) are defined as randomly-chosen positive floating-point numbers. All other units and constants are defined in terms of those. In a dimensionally-correct calculation, the units all cancel out, so the final answer is deterministic, not random.