Best Charting Library for JavaScript

Recommendations: 11 | Last Updated: Sept. 25, 2022 (2 years, 6 months)

Highcharts Highcharts

A charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts to your web site or web application

👍 Most people think this is a good recommendation.

AmCharts AmCharts

AmCharts is an interactive JavaScript library use to create chart and maps for data visualization. With AmCharts you can create interactive charts that allow your users to scroll, hover drag and select data for better visualization and manupulation.

👍 Most people think this is a good recommendation.

D3.js D3.js

With D3.js developers can produce dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers.  It's a free and opne-source JavaScript library that combines Scalable Vector Graphics, HTML5, and Cascading Style Sheets standards. The library gives developers the full capability of modern browsers and puts a strong emphasis on web standards.

👍 Most people think this is a good recommendation.

Chart.js Chart.js

Chart.js is an easy way to include animated, interactive graphs on your website. Chart.js is a free and open source charting library for JavaScript that is simple, yet flexible. With Chart.js you can mix and match bar and line charts to provide a clear visual distinction between datasets and easily create most common chart types.

AnyChart AnyChart

Robust JavaScript (HTML5) charting solution for easily adding interactive charts, maps and dashboards to web pages, apps

ApexCharts ApexCharts

Open-source modern charting library 📊

Flowchart.js Flowchart.js

Draw SVG flow charts from simple text representations of the diagrams.

C3.js C3.js

D3-based reusable chart library that enables deeper integration of charts into web applications