Best Dating Applications for Men

Recommendations: 4 | Last Updated: Sept. 19, 2022 (2 years, 5 months)

Plenty of Fish Plenty of Fish

Founded in 2003, Plenty of Fish or "POF" for short, is a mature dating service that the existed before the mobile era of smartphones and apps. Since the inception of Plenty of Fish, the service has been able to transition into the modern era of dating service and is a now available as an Android and iOS, besides the web application. The free version of Plenty of Fish allows you to create a profile with up to 8 photos, view other profiles and send and receive messages from other members.

👍 Most people think this is a good recommendation.

Tinder Tinder

Tinder is world most popular dating application and service. To date, Tinder has provided over 43 billion matches and continues to be the go to application for people looking to find a partner online. The app allows you to locate other singles in your geographic area, simply fill out a brief biography and upload your profile picture. Other users of the app will then randomly discover you profile based on their geographical settings and swipe left or right to make it a match or not.

Bumble Bumble

Bumble is an application that empowers people to connect with confidence whether it be for dating, networking, or meeting friends online. Bumble uses location-based and interest-based metrics to connect you with similar people in your area. In heterosexual matches, only female users can make the first contact with matched male users, while in same-sex matches either person can send a message first.

Happn Happn

Happn is a new mobile dating application that uses your phone's location in real-time to show you potential matches. Rather than just showing potential matches in on geographic area like Tinder do, Happn actually shows you potential matches as you cross when moving around in the world. Imagine moving down a busy street or sitting at the bar, if someone else in your vicinity is actively looking for a match with Happen, that person profile will show up on your mobile device, making Happn a more organic experience.