Best S3-based Object Storage

Recommendations: 6 | Last Updated: Sept. 19, 2022 (2 years, 6 months)

Backblaze B2 Backblaze B2

Backblaze B2 is one of the cheapest object storage solutions on the market today. With Backblaze B2 you can enjoy S3-based object storage for quarter of the price of Amazon Web Services.

👍 Most people think this is a good recommendation.

IBM Cloud Object Storage IBM Cloud Object Storage

IBM Cloud Object Storage is a platform that offers cost-effective and scalable cloud storage for unstructured data.

Vultr Object Storage Vultr Object Storage

Vultr Object Storage is an S3 protocol-based object storage solution by the VPS provider Vultr.

Linode Object Storage Linode Object Storage

Linode Object Storage provides high availability S3-compatible object storage that allow you to store your data across a cluster of servers for high availability and durability. Linode Object Storage is most commonly used by developers to store images, videos and other assets for web applicaitons and software applicaitons.

Amazon S3 Amazon S3

Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service is object storage services provided by Amazon. It provides easy-to-use management features so you can organize your data and configure access controls to meet your specific business, organizational, and compliance requirements. Amazon S3 is used by millions of applications world-wide and is designed for 99.999999999% of durability.

DigitalOcean Spaces DigitalOcean Spaces

DigitalOcean Spaces is an S3-compatible object storage with a built-in CDN that makes scaling easy, reliable, and affordable. With DigitalOcean Spaces you can easily store and deliver vast amounts of content for your web application or software.

The fact that an object storage service does not support HTTP/2 in the year 2021 is crazy. Hopefully they fix it soon..
At only $5/month, DigitalOcean Spaces is probably the most affordable S3-based Object Storage out there. With 1TB of monthly outbound transfer, most smaller web properties should be covered, and if you go over the cost is $0.01 per GB, all of which makes it a predictable solution, pricing-wise.