MonocomSoft Software

Recommendations: 3 | Last Updated: Nov. 8, 2022 (2 years, 4 months)

Advanced Gmail Email Extractor Advanced Gmail Email Extractor

Advanced Gmail Email Extractor software is an easy to use powerful automation tool which extract emails from multiple gmail accounts in a single batch process. User can add multiple Gmail accounts to extract email addresses from inbox and other folders. It has an advance data filter which can be used to clean final result on the basis of emails domain name and user name. Final data can be saved to .txt file and .csv file and can be opened in Microsoft Excel.

👍 Most people think this is a good recommendation.


Advanced File Email Extractor Advanced File Email Extractor

Monocomsoft’s Advanced File Email Extractor is one of the effective tools that allow you to extract emails from a comprehensive list of, excel files, pdf files, word files & plain-text files such as .xls, .xlsx, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .docm, .rtf, .dot, .txt, .csv, .sql without any need of installing Adobe Acrobat or MS Word. In addition, the extractor software consists of an Advance Filter that refines, optimizes, and filters extracted email lists. Post that, export the email list to .txt or .csv format or in a tabular form.

👎 Most people think this is a bad recommendation.


Advanced Web Email Extractor Advanced Web Email Extractor

Finding verified leads for Start-up and small businesses is a daunting task. But not anymore, with Monocomsoft’s Web Email fetching tool, one can simply gather thousands of business contacts from various webpages, URLs and files online. It comes bundled with custom filters to refine, optimize and filter search results.

👎 Most people think this is a bad recommendation.