Development & DevOps Software for macOS
EiffelStudio is an Integrated Development Environment that enable you to produce correct, reliable, maintainable software and control the development process. The IDE is specifically designed for the Eiffel programming lanaguge and comes with a debugger and browsable editor that makes it easy to navigate parts of your system and track down bugs, and quickly fix them.
CLion is an intelligent cross-platform C/C++ IDE that makes sure your code conforms to coding guidelines, including formatting, naming, and more. CLion features tools for code generation, allowing you to generate boilerplate code instantly, implement functions with simple shortcuts and generating constructors and destructors, getters and setters, and equality, relational, and stream output operators.
Espresso is a code editor that helps you write, code, design, build and publish websites efficiency. It features sophisticated features such as LivePreview, Browser Xray, CSSEdit toos, Dynamo auto-building and Server Sync. The new version of Espresso lets you build first-class standard CSS, but also modular SCSS and LESS.
SQuirreL SQL
SQuirreL SQL is a free and open-source SQL client and database administration tool. SQuirreL SQL is written in Java and uses JDBC to allow users to explore and interact with databases via a JDBC driver. With SQuirreL SQL you can manage your database through a graphical user interface where you can create and drop tables, add columns and rows, create function and query your data. The software is openly developed and released under the GNU Lesser General Public License which makes it free to use.
Graphite is a free and open-source, enterprise-ready software designed to monitors and graphs numeric time-series data. It can be used to monitor performance and data for software, web applications and computer systems. Companies like Etzy, GitHub, Lyft, Reddit and SalesForce trust and use Graphite to store and graph business critical metrics.
Apache Storm
Apache Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data for real-time processing. It is a distributed stream processing computation framework written predominantly in the programming language Clojure. The software is released free and open-source under the Apache License. In a nutshell, Apache Storm does to real-time processing, what Apache Hadoop did to bactch processing. Large corporations like Weather Channel, FullContact, Twitter, Yahoo, Spotify, and Alibaba use and trust Apache Storm for big data analytics with fault-tolerance and fast data processing.
ReverseSSH is a statically-linked ssh server with a reverse connection feature for simple yet powerful remote access. Most people find ReverseSSH useful during HackTheBox, CTF's and similar challenges.
Adobe XD
Adobe XD is a fast and powerful UI/UX design an collaboration tool developed by Adobe. With Adobe XD you can create wireframes, animations and prototypes, while collaborating with team mates through a simple, clean, and intuitive interface that levrages a wide range of powerful tools. Adobe XD allows you to eliminate the guesswork by previewing your designs with complete transitions on native devices along side your peers in Adobe XD's cloud environment.
Gitea is a free and open-source software package for hosting software development version control using Git The software is written in Go and is a community managed fork of Gogs, released under the MIT license. With Gitea you can host your very own software project collaboration platform that can handle bug tracking, wikis, code review and team communication.