Development & DevOps Software for Linux

Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server

A free and open-source cross-platform web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation. The Apache HTTP Server is a continuous development effort to build an open HTTP server for modern operating systems. The web server is used by organizations, businesses and hobbyists alike, to power web-based applications.

Caddy Caddy

Caddy is a powerful, enterprise-ready, open-source web server written in Go. The Caddy provides automatic SSL/TLS cretificates so that your application always is served over HTTPS.


OpenTSDB is a free and open-source distributed, scalable Time Series Database written on top of Apache HBase. OpenTSDB was designed to address a common need: store, index and serve metrics collected from computer systems such as network gear, operating systems and applications, at a large scale, and make this data easily accessible and graphable. OpenTSDB allows you to collect thousands of metrics from tens of thousands of hosts and applications, at a high rate and will never delete or downsample data and can easily store hundreds of billions of data points.


DDEV is an open source tool that makes it dead simple to get local PHP development environments up and running within minutes. It's powerful and flexible as a result of its per-project environment configurations, which can be extended, version controlled, and shared. In short, DDEV aims to allow development teams to use Docker in their workflow without the complexities of bespoke configuration.

Node.js Node.js

Node.js is a free and open-source JavaScript runtime environment built on the V8 engine. Node.js can execute JavaScript outside of a web browse and works cross-platform. The platform is used to power many JavaScript software project and web application in production today. Node.js is perfect for data-intensive real-time applications due to its event-driven and non-block I/O model.

Cucumber Cucumber

Cucumber is a BDD testing and collaboration platform. Whether you are building open source or proprietary software, Cucumber's collaboration tools will boost your engineering team's performance by employing Behavior-Driven Development (BDD).

Termius Termius

Termius is the SSH client that works on both Desktop and Mobile. The application lets you organize hosts into groups while allowing share settings across users. Terminus uses end-to-end encryption to ensure your data remains safe and secure, while keeping connection and command history.

RedisGraph RedisGraph

RedisGraph is the first free and open source queryable Property Graph database to use sparse matrices to represent the adjacency matrix in graphs and linear algebra to query the graph.

NW.js NW.js

NW.js is a framwork for building desktop applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With NW.js you can call Node.js modules directly from DOM which enables you to write applications using technologies native to the browser.

IPython IPython

IPython is a powerful, free and open-source interactive shell used for interactive computing. It's an alternative to the Python interpreter that provides improvements over its default counterpart. These improvements include syntax highlight, proper indentation, documentation, and much more. With iPython, you can use Jupyter notebooks to create reports that contain live code, charts, and more interesting things for data science and data visualisation.