Software for Self-Hosted

phpBB phpBB

One of the world most popular, free, open-source and self-hosted forum software, written in PHP. With phpBB you can create communities that can be hosted with most hosting providers. The software package is built and designed from the ground up to to be extensible and provides customization option through themes and feature extensions through plugins. The extensive database of user-created extensions and styles database, easy of use, and the simple installation process has made phpBB a common choice among self-hosted forums and communities.

WnMp WnMp

A prepackaged software stack that includes Nginx+MariaDB+PHP as an exectuable for Windows.

Temporal Workflow Temporal Workflow

Temporal Workflow is a free and open-source workflow and automation tool. With Temporal Workflow you can build and operate resilient applications using developer friendly primitives. Focus on writing business logic instead of glue code and Temporal Workflow will take care of the rest.

Plotly Plotly

Plotly provides a frontend for data visualization used for machine learning and data science models. With Ploty you can

With Smithy you can build WebAssembly applications written in Rust. is a web framework that makes it easy to write web applications using idiomatic Rust.

Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an iconic, free and open source, server-side web application framework released under the liberal MIT license. The Ruby-based framework has helped millions of developer make their ideas a reality. The framework is opinionated and promotes best standards and practices for web development. When combining that with a community that is open, helpful and guiding, it's not hard to see why Ruby on Rails is one of the most loved web application frameworks to this day. Ruby on Rails is also used by industry giants like Basecamp, HEY, GitHub, Shopify, Airbnb, Twitch, SoundCloud, Hulu, Zendesk, Square, Cookpad.

Express.js Express.js

Express.js is a free and open-source web application framework for Node.js, released as free and open-source software under the MIT License. Express is designed for building fast web applications and APIs. In the Node.js community the Express framework is seen as the defacto standard when it comes to building such applications. The philosophy of the framework is to provide a small and robust toolset for building HTTP servers with JavaScript and Node.js. Express does not force you to use any specific database, ORM or templating language, as it leaves that up to you as a developer, to maximize freedom and choice. Express.js is used by companies and hobby developers alike to build single page JavaScript applications, websites, hybrids and public HTTP APIs.

Kendo UI Kendo UI

With Kendo UI you can save time by integrating components to handle all the key functionality of your applications UI. Kendo UI is a set of pre-built commerical components that can be used to create feature rich data grid components, charts, spreadsheets, schedulers, and much more. The Kendo UI component are avalible for use with Angular, React, Vue and jQuery.

Seed is a frontend Rust framework for creating fast and reliable web apps with an elm-like architecture. Seed provides all the benefits of Rust and macro based syntax, with a minimal overhead, configuration, and boilerplate. The framework is easy to pickup thanks to the clear documentation which is accessible to developers whether they are familiarity with Rust, or not.

Redis Redis

Redis is a free and open-source, in in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache or message broker. The project is community developed and released under the BSD license. Redis supports common data structures including strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes with radius queries and streams.