Software for Self-Hosted

Temporal Workflow Temporal Workflow

Temporal Workflow is a free and open-source workflow and automation tool. With Temporal Workflow you can build and operate resilient applications using developer friendly primitives. Focus on writing business logic instead of glue code and Temporal Workflow will take care of the rest.

Redis Redis

Redis is a free and open-source, in in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache or message broker. The project is community developed and released under the BSD license. Redis supports common data structures including strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes with radius queries and streams.

SkyDocs SkyDocs

SkyDocs is a lightweight static documentation builder with MarkDown.

Padrino Padrino

Padrino is a Ruby web framework built upon the library Sinatra. Sinatra is a DSL designed to create simple and performant applications written in Ruby. Padrino is uses Sinatra at its core and builds upon it to create a framework take makes it even easier and faster to create advanced web applications with Ruby. Padrino is designed to be agnostic and provides full support for many popular testing, templating, mocking, and data storage choices. It also provides generators that makes it easy to create, models, controllers and application scaffolding. On top of that Padrino provides functionality found in most frameworks including solutions for assets, forms, mail, caching, administration and logging.

With Smithy you can build WebAssembly applications written in Rust. is a web framework that makes it easy to write web applications using idiomatic Rust.

Seed is a frontend Rust framework for creating fast and reliable web apps with an elm-like architecture. Seed provides all the benefits of Rust and macro based syntax, with a minimal overhead, configuration, and boilerplate. The framework is easy to pickup thanks to the clear documentation which is accessible to developers whether they are familiarity with Rust, or not.

Nuxt.js Nuxt.js

Nuxt.js is an intuetive Vue framework that supports generating a static website based on your Vue application. It provides the best of both worlds, as you don't need a server, yet can reap the SEO benefits. Nuxt achives this by pre-rendering all pages and include the necessary HTML. And when you are ready to deploy, Nuxt.js got you covered with simple integrations to serverless and third-party providers such as Netlify, Vercel and GitHub pages.

Docker Docker

Docker is an open-source platform that automates deployment and development life cycles with OS-level virtualization. These virtualization are called containers and contain application specific operating system, software and configurations that are built on deployment. Containers are encapsulated and work across systems, be it in local development or on production servers, they run anywhere. Docker provides a Community Edition (CE) and an Enterprise Edition (EE) and can be used for personal and enterprise level projects alike.

Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a customizable, low-level HTML & CSS framework. With Tailwind CSS you can create unique UIs without having to write any CSS. The framework comes with pre-written CSS classes that you can add to HTML elements to build bespoke UI components, your way.

Reaction Commerce Reaction Commerce

Reaction Commerce is an open-source, headless, API-first, and modular commerce stack made for ambitious brands and retailers. Reaction’s service-based architecture is built to deliver flexibility and freedom at scale.