Software for Self-Hosted

Pyramid Pyramid

Pyramid is a web framework written in Python that makes it easy to write applications for the web. With Pyramid, you can start small and finish big. Pyramid offers many features suited for writing both simple and complex software, while providing clear structure as your application grows. Since 1995, the Pyramid team has stayed devoted to professional craftmenship with a deep commitment to quality, which is seen throughout the Pyramid framework and the developer experience and workflow it provide for developers. Pyramid is released free and open-source under the Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 2.1.

Elasticsearch Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is an open-source, highly scalable search and analytics engine written in Java. The engine is built ontop of Apache Lucene Library and has an advanced distributed model and consistent API interface. Elasticsearch allows you to store, search, and analyze huge volumes of data quickly and in near real-time with answers provided in milliseconds. Making it perfect for building full text search, analytics store, auto completer, spell checker, and alerting engines.


MemSQL is a free and open-source all-in-one relation database management system. The database lends itself for operational analytics and AI/ML-powered applications that requires fast data ingest, high performance queries and elastic scaling. MemSQL supports ANSI SQL and blended workloads, commonly referred to as translytical, HTAP, HOAP, and ATP workloads. The developer MemSQL Inc, also provides commercially hosted version of the database called MemSQL Helios, a cloud database-as-a-service.

LoopBack LoopBack

A highly extensible Node.js and TypeScript framework for building APIs and microservices.

AmCharts AmCharts

AmCharts is an interactive JavaScript library use to create chart and maps for data visualization. With AmCharts you can create interactive charts that allow your users to scroll, hover drag and select data for better visualization and manupulation.

Easy Digital Downloads Easy Digital Downloads

A plugin that lets you sell digital products with WordPress powered site. Easy Digital Downloads is an all-in-one solution for providing a storefront that sells digital goods. The Easy Digital Downloads eco-system is filled with third-party add-ons built by the community to extend the offerings of the Easy Digital Downloads plugin. A part from the community provided add-ons, Easy Digital Downloads provides functionality for discount codes, shopping cart, unlimited file downloads, file access controls, customer account pages, full data-reporting, download activity tracking and a REST API.

Yoast SEO Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a freemium WordPress plugin that helps you with your website optimization so that you can achive better organic rankings. To date, Yoast SEO have over five million active installations and has been downloaded more than 202 million times from all corners of the globe. Through the Yoast dashboard in your WordPress admin panel you can manage SEO titles and meta descriptions and create templates that automatically apply to your content. Create and manage customizable XML sitemaps. Optimize content based on focus keywords. Apply site-wide schema markup so that Google better understands the content on your site. Verify and integrate with Google Search Console. Set social media descriptions and meta tags to control the look of content shared via social media. And the list goes on, all in all, Yoast SEO is an extremely feature rich SEO plugin for WordPress that in many circles are seen as the WordPress defacto standard for search engine optimization.

TiddlyWiki TiddlyWiki

TiddlyWiki is a personal wiki and a non-linear notebook that provides an interactive way to manipulate and structure data for web consumption. The free and open source application is written as an SPA (Single Page Application) with JavaScript by Jermolene. TiddlyWiki is designed from the ground up to easy to customize and re-shape depending on your use-case, while also providing tools that can be used to split up and reuse content.

Deployd Deployd

Deployd is a free and open-source web development tool for Node.js that makes building APIs simple by providing important ready-made functionality out-of-the-box. Features provided by Deployd can demands of complex applications and can be further customized with JavaScript Events.

LevelDB LevelDB

LevelDB is a free and open-source key-value storage library developed by Google. LevelDB provides on-disk storage and ordered mapping of string keys to string values. With LevelDB data is stored and sorted by key, and the keys and values are arbitrary byte arrays. The library will also automatically compress files using the Snappy compression library to optimize for storage capacity.